Chapter 391 I Can Endure It

"He's fine. It's already amazing that he could bear with it and only faints now. He'll wake up once I pull the needles out later. However, he could be fine one day and revert to his child's mind the next day. Whatever happens, it's all normal." Zhao Chuchu quickly stopped Zhao Meilan.

Zhao Meilan grabbed Zhao Chuchu's hands and asked, "He won't do something that will hurt himself, right?"

"He won't. What I mean is that he will switch between his adult and child selves. So you don't have to worry too much."


"Have I ever lied to you?"


Zhao Meilan might look like she felt a little relief after hearing that, but she was still extremely nervous.

She didn't know how Hu Yiming would treat her after he had finally recovered.