Chapter 401 The Only Option is Death(3)

To him, there was nothing wrong with spending some money to get rid of someone like Xia Chenglan.

"Since Uncle Ming thinks so, I'll give you the standard dowry. But Xia Chenglan, remember this. A woman who has married an outsider has no right to the Xia clan's properties!"

"I just want what I deserve."

Xia Chenglan was afraid that she would get nothing in the end, so she decided to take the deal while she still had one.

She would think of some other ways in the future when she ran out of money!

Xia Cheng suppressed his rage and handed the matter over to Lu Ming.

But no matter what, he couldn't agree to let Xia Chenglan move into the Xia clan.

Because of this, Xia Chengzhu gave Xia Chenglan a house that he bought previously for a girl from the brothel. He told her to stay there instead.

Xia Chenglan was fine with it.

She was fine with anything as long as she didn't need to return to Zhang Qun's old home.