All Good People (1)

"You still have parents and siblings. Isn't it better to live? There are so many people out there who would do extremely risky things to stay alive or even just to get a chance to stay alive. Now, there's an opportunity placed in front of you, but you're choosing to give it up." Zhao Chuchu looked at him and asked, "Do you think it's a good thing that you care so little about your life?

"I'm willing to save you because my husband said that you are a good person. If it was someone like Yu Linjiang, I wouldn't save him, even if he kneeled and begged me to unless he could convince me with money."

Zhong Peifeng didn't say anything for a long while.

After quite a bit of time, he said softly, "Mrs. Xie, I know you're doing this for my sake, but if I owe you and Zizhao too much, I wouldn't know how to face you guys in the future."