A Little Bit Cruel (2)

When Xie Heng saw that her face was pale, he could not help but begin to worry. He immediately went to get her some food.

After Zhao Chuchu ate a plate of snacks, she managed to dispel her discomfort.

It just happened that it was about time to remove the principal's needles.

The principal was drenched in a cold sweat from top to bottom.

After all the needles on him were removed, he heaved a long sigh of relief and said, "I almost had to eat my own words for not being able to bear the pain any longer!"

"You will feel much better tomorrow. It will not be as painful as today," said Zhao Chuchu.

"That's good to hear."

Zhao Chuchu teased, "Principal, you also fear pain, don't you?"

"I did not fear pain before, but now I am terrified of it."

In truth, he had never experienced such pain in all his life.

Fortunately, he managed to power through the pain.

"Relax, it won't be as painful tomorrow."