Compensate You for Whatever You Should Have Gotten from the Xia Clan (3)

"Hmm. I have turned him down," Xie Heng nodded as he replied. "Chuchu, do you want to save him?"

Zhao Chuchu raised her eyebrows and said, "What makes you think so? Is it not obvious enough that I'm rejoicing at his misfortune? Unless it rains blood, I'll never save him."

Yu Linjiang was narrow-minded. He tried all sorts of ways to kick Xie Heng out of Qingyang Academy just because the latter was more talented than him. He even slandered Xie Heng.

If Yu Linjiang's target were an ordinary scholar, he would most likely have succeeded in his evil plan. The poor scholar would not have a chance to flourish in life.

It was because the imperial court paid close attention to a scholar's reputation when the former considered whether or not to hire them.

Usually, a person with a bad reputation would never have a bright future.

Therefore, even if Zhao Chuchu were to bear the hatred of many people, she would never treat Yu Linjiang.