Let Me Warn You Beforehand (2)

Jixiang had not experienced warmth from the people around her for a long time. Therefore, she was touched by Chang Hong's kind gestures. She decided that aside from being loyal to Zhao Chuchu, she would repay Chang Hong with kindness as well.

There were not many people in the Xie residence, with only three masters in the household. Jixiang got used to her new lifestyle very quickly.

After lunch, Zhao Chuchu distributed the promotional posters, which she had printed, to Chang Hong and the others. She instructed, "Take these. Go to places like banks, textile shops, and beauty salons, where ladies from noble families frequent, and give these out to them."

Chang Hong and Chai Le were literate. They were astonished when they saw so many identical and intricately designed promotional posters.

How long did it take for Zhao Chuchu to draw so many posters? What kind of pigments did she use for the colors to be so bright?