Without Prejudice

Jixiang still had no confidence in herself. She asked, "What if I mess things up? Those women are all from renowned families. I am worried that I will cause trouble for Mrs. Xie."

Chang Hong sighed. She then grabbed hold of Jixiang's shoulders and looked her in the eye. She said in a serious tone, "Mrs. Xie trusts you. Hence, you should do your best to complete this task. Jixiang, not all women have such opportunities. If you don't seize this chance, you might regret it for the rest of your life."

She continued, "You just need to teach them, right? You can just teach them the way that you were taught. Once you start doing it, you will discover that it was actually not as difficult as you imagined."

Upon hearing this, Jixiang looked down and fell silent.

After a while, she looked up with a look of resolution. She asked, "In that case, Sister Hong, can you secretly give me some hints later?"

"Alright," Chang Hong agreed while nodding her head.