Don't Act Rashly

"It's okay." Zhao Chuchu shook her head. "Brother Le, don't be rash."

"But keeping him is going to be a problem. He's Sikou Ming, the son of Duke Sikou Zhendong. He's infamous for being a playboy in the Imperial City. So it won't do you and Mr. Xie any good if you get targeted by him. Don't worry about me. Killing is my original job, after all."

"That's the more reason not to assassinate him. Brother Le, I know you're doing this for me, but I have my plans. You just have to protect Junjun."

"The Sikou clan won't realize who's behind it."

"The Xie clan still doesn't have the power to go against the Sikou clan yet. We can't bother the Third Heir with everything, either. No matter how powerful Sikou Ming is, this is not the Imperial City. Also, he still needs me."

Seeing how persistent Zhao Chuchu was, Chai Le decided to stop persuading her.

"Well, if you ever change your mind, just let me know."

"I will."