They Flowed Out by Themselves

Zhao Chuchu could not imagine such a scene.

Such a diplomatic person like Mr. Chen had punched Kang Liang?

She cast a suspicious glance at Xia Chengxuan.

Xia Chengxuan immediately understood the meaning behind her gaze. She quickly explained, "Chuchu, nothing is going on between me and Mr. Chen."

"Ha. I didn't say that anything was going on between the two of you. I just think it's strange," Zhao Chuchu replied with a smile.

She thought to herself, "Maybe Mr. Chen thinks otherwise?"

However, Zhao Chuchu knew that the women of this era viewed their reputations as more important than their own lives. So, she did not joke about Mr. Chen with Xia Chengxuan.

What if Xia Chengxuan could not accept it and committed suicide?

If Mr. Chen were genuinely interested in Xia Chengxuan, he would act independently. She did not need to meddle, lest she ruin things with her good intentions.