Since When Did He Have Such Wit?

"Alright," replied Xie Heng as he nodded his head.

He actually had not eaten yet. He had rushed back as fast as he could.

Zhao Chuchu also noticed this, so she brought it up.

She took a small table and set it up. She then brought out delicacy after delicacy from her carry-on space. She covered the table with dishes. There were even two bottles of fruit juice.

Xie Heng smiled.

He liked that Zhao Chuchu trusted him enough to reveal her carry-on space in front of him.

"Come, with fruit juice in place of wine, let us drink," said Zhao Chuchu as she passed a bottle of fruit juice to Xie Heng.

Xie Heng took the bottle, clinked bottles with Zhao Chuchu, and then drank it. The fruit juice was nice and cold. It was perfect for this time of the year.

Xie Heng asked, "Has this been chilled?"

"Hmm, it has. Nice, isn't it?"

"It is. It tastes so much better."

"Taste this river snail. I specially got someone to cook them."