He Has to Die

Zhao Chuchu laughed. "Why? Are you the emperor? Can you make sure that I'll live the rest of my life in riches?"

"The emperor isn't the only person who can make that promise. Zhao Chuchu, I know you are a smart lady. Your talent should not be wasted there." Zhao Chuchu's taunt did not anger the man. Instead, he chuckled. "Do you think Xie Heng can give you that?"

"So, you are saying that I should become the dog of a nobody who hides in the dark corner?" Zhao Chuchu laughed even harder. "Do you really think that I would lower my head and follow someone like you for riches?"

"I'm only giving you one chance. There won't be a second one."

"Forget it. You know what I can do, so why should I work for you? I could easily make money with my own talent. There's no reason for me to work for someone else."