Is He Dumb? (1)

"Your, your, your majesty, could this be a mistake?" Xie Heng looked dismayed. He pretended to be in disbelief as he said, "I grew up with my brother since I was young. I've never heard our parents say that Junjun isn't their real son. There are a lot of people who look alike in his world. So this could be a misunderstanding."

"This isn't a misunderstanding."

"Your majesty, the royal bloodline has no room for errors. So please be cautious about this. I don't want my brother to be used by someone with malicious intent to defraud you, your majesty."

Xie Heng kneeled on the floor and lowered his head to the ground. He appeared to be adamant that this wasn't possible.

Xie Heng didn't look like he was acting. His reaction wasn't one of joy when he learned about Xie Jun's real identity. Instead, he simply looked nervous and anxious. He clearly hoped that Xie Jun wasn't part of the royal family.

It seemed that Xie Heng's love for Xie Jun wasn't an act.