I Want To, But I Don't Know How

"I missed Junjun too," Zhao Chuchu said as she rubbed his head. "Be careful while you're in the palace, alright? If anything happens, look for your Third Brother immediately, okay?"

Xie Jun nodded and said, "I wanted to move to stay with Third Brother at first, but they said that I'm not allowed to do that. They said that Third Brother's condition was not good. So I cannot disturb him and interrupt his recovery."

"Why didn't you tell me that?" said Xie Yan gently. "Just tell me, and I will think of a way."

"I was afraid that you might find me annoying."

"How could I? You are my brother. I'm afraid that I'm not caring for you enough. How could I possibly be annoyed?"

"Your Third Brother is right. You are brothers," Xie Heng said. "I'm outside the palace, so I can't act as quickly as your Third Brother. You should tell your Third Brother whenever something happens."

"Okay, I got it."

Xie Heng smiled.