One of Them Had to Die First

The Empress became blue in the face upon hearing what Xie Yan said. She wanted to say something, but the emperor yelled again, "Get out of here and go back! Stop making a fool of yourself. I still suspect that you were the one who did it!"

The Empress was so scared that she kneeled on the ground and said, "Your Majesty, I swear I've never done something like this before. Someone is trying to frame me. Please, your Majesty, you have to seek justice for me..."

"Get her out of here. I don't want to see her!" The emperor got very annoyed. "Don't let her step outside her palace, not a single step! Now scram!"

"Your Majesty..."

The Empress was dragged away as she shrieked and screamed in agony.

The emperor was furious. He summoned the Embroidered Uniform Guards and told them to investigate the matter.

Sikou Zhendong felt all his strength being zapped out of his body.