Why Are You Afraid If I Am Not?

The Wei Dynasty won an overwhelming victory against the Rong Dynasty.

The Dynasty Duke won in the first battle, significantly boosting the soldiers' morale.

However, the Wei Dynasty also suffered tremendous casualties.

Zhao Chuchu was busy non-stop in the medical tent.

At first, the military doctors did not believe she was proficient in medicine.

That was until they witnessed her saving the life of a lieutenant general that they had declared a lost cause right before their very eyes. Only then did they know that although Zhao Chuchu was young, her medical skill was far superior to theirs!

They also changed how they addressed Zhao Chuchu from Mrs. Xie to Military Doctor Zhao.

Mrs. Xie meant that Zhao Chuchu was merely Xie Heng's wife and that her glory was due to her husband. It was different when she was referred to as Military Doctor Zhao. Zhao Chuchu was no longer treated as Xie Heng's subordinate but as an independent existence.