Chapter 218. Possessiveness

 Yin Hui could only catch up quickly and did not dare to ask more.

 Xiang Hong walked alone, feeling a little disappointed in his heart. This little fox had no conscience. She looked strange and intelligent, but at this critical moment, she had made a mistake and forgotten about him!

 However, Xiang Hong did not believe that Ding Shan had no feelings for him.

 This little fox was used to pretending to be polite and distant. Still, when he was staring at her on the stage just now, she clearly knew what he was thinking, but she still pretended to be calm and secretly competed with him, forcing him to take the initiative to be nice to her. This already showed that she treated him differently from others.

 Xiang Hong bitterly smiled. When did he learn to comfort himself like a woman? He was getting more and more useless.