Chapter 263. Closing in Step by Step

Although this sentence did not directly agree with Chen Tong's words, it also vaguely expressed Chen Xi's attitude.

 Chen Xi had a talent show background. From the trainee's point of view, he naturally felt that the appearance of Mysterious X had broken many rules of the Festival Group, which was unfair to the other trainees.

 Many people had the same thoughts as Chen Xi. Although Su Yan had not spoken, Ding Shan guessed that Su Yan had the same ideas.

 Mysterious Person X's appearance was too sudden. Even the five instructors did not know about it in advance. This mysterious person was so independent. The trainees probably had many thoughts but did not dare to say them out loud.

 Suppose the audience was to question the fairness of the variety show because of the appearance of this mysterious person. In that case, the talent show that Yin Hui had put in so much effort to create would probably cause a lot of criticism.