Chapter 328. Best Friend of The Brand

 "What's the matter?" Chen Tong's tone was murderous. The assistant trembled and stuttered, "Kaipuu just posted on Weibo, announcing that Ding Shan has become a close friend of Kaipuu's brand.

 "What did you say? Can you repeat that?" Chen Tong sat up from her seat and looked at her assistant in disbelief.

 Kaipuu was the top luxury brand in country Y. It was established in the 1930s and advocated novelty, excitement, and bold innovation. Kaipuu had always been at the forefront of fashion, unlike many other fashion brands living off their old capital. Kaipuu had always been committed to changing people's desire for luxury and the pursuit of novelty.

 As many international luxury brands had shifted their focus to the general public, Kaipuu insisted on a non-commercial design and never compromised on the price. Currently, Kaipuu is one of the most expensive high-end luxury brands, and its pioneer ideology has been carried out since the beginning of the brand.