Ninety Six


I took a deep breath as I felt the tension of the room build up, the noise of the television was barely audible and it was probably because Felicity had turned down the volume or maybe my head was drowning the noise down without my consent, I was not the only one who was feeling the pressure because Julian had unbuttoned two of his buttons from his chest and I saw him gulp twice nervously, Don K was not feeling any pressure as he lit his big Russian cigar, he took two big puffs into the airspace.

"Let's begin" his voice had turn coarse because of the cigar, Julian was the one who spoke next.

"Zatochi promised to tell me an important tip about my father's death, I was surprised to see that the other families agreed to help with the extermination of their own family" I noticed that Julian's hands were shaky as he spoke, he rubbed them together as if he was having a fit.