Beauty beyond imagination

The Mo family was one of the rich families in the country and and richest in city C.

The Mo family had only one grandchild, Mo Zhang Xue who was a very cold man yet so handsome that one would think he wasn't of this planet.

The Man behind the desk was 1.9m tall with a very fit body as one could see the flexing of muscle under his clothes with every step he took.

His nose was straight and we'll sculpted.

Below it were sexy light pink lips that anyone would die to kiss and above it were dark eyes that were cold looking but would drown one if you looked into them and of course typical to Asians.

They were bordered by straight bushy eyebrows and his hair above was dark and neatly combed to the side but will a stubborn lock of hair that fell over his forehead.

He wore an expensive grey shirt and black tie with a black suit coat and trousers.

It was breathtaking seeing him simply seated on his chair that even assistant Yu first stood still wondering why a man would be this eye catching.

He shook his head and moved forward.

As for Mo Zhang Xue he didn't bother lifting his head because he knew it was his assistant.

He kept typing away on his laptop. "Ahh boss take a look at these you might find a destination you like." assistant Yu said placing the tablet on the table.

Mo Zhang Xue simply hummed and pushed his laptop aside.

He picked the tablet and swiped through the photos are assistant Yu explained the countries from which the photos were from.

"What is this?" Mo Zhang Xue asked frowning and swiping away the photos. I have been to all those countries and there's nothing new I have not seen he said looking up at him.

"Are you trying to bore me?" he added with sharp look.

"Ehhh? boss." assistant Yu started- "Wait" Mo Zhang Xue said cutting him off.

He was coming to the end of the photos when a beautiful picture came to his view. He magnified it and stared at it.

It was a photo of a small stream of clear blue water flowing through a forest and a leopard rested up on a tree and looking at a mountain in the distance with the setting sun behind it.

The animal seemed to admiring it's surroundings.

"Ahh..ah.. this..." assistant Yu said as he remembered which country the photo was from.

"Oh I remember." he exclaimed seeing that he was getting his boss' attention.

When I was searching for beautiful places in the world I came across this-

"Where is it from?" Mo Zhang Xue interrupted him.

"Africa." assistant Yu answered right away.

"Africa?" Mo Zhang Xue questioned thoughtfully. "Where exactly." he added.

"Ah country X" assistant Yu replied happily.

At least his boss had gotten a place he liked. He breathed in relief.

"Then let's go to country X." Mo Zhang Xue said finally.

"Ehhh?"....ah yes.. yes of course I will make the preparations. assistant Yu said happily.

Four days later they landed on African soil in country X and on their way to the hotel Mo Zhang Xue wondered why he hadn't thought of visiting Africa a long time ago.

The country was filled with green everywhere and very fresh air.

Even if it was not as developed as China it gave him a sense of calmness perhaps because of the nature surrounding it.

They reached Feng Leng hotel at 10pm and immediately got their rooms since they had made a reservation already.

Mo Zhang Xue retired to his room which was 309 on the 50th floor.

He liked the hotel for it's cleanliness since he was already a clean freak after all. He took a hot bath and felt relaxed.

He then went to bed at around 12pm and as he fell asleep it started raining.

He could feel the rain drops beating on the windows before he drifted off to sleep.