...... Pervert?....

It was not a strong scent but a light one maybe one could only smell it when they were closer to her and oh...her hair smelled heavenly.

It had a fresh strawberry smell.

And her waist oh no it's actually her skin...s.. so soft.

He could feel her soft hands on his shoulders through his shirt and his hand on her waist had accidentally touched the skin there.

"Ah.... let me go." Mira struggled to get up but fell back into his arms.

She could smell his cologne and it was a pleasant one.

"Looks like you are having a nice time lying in my arms huh?" A deep voice reverberated in her ears and she stayed still.

She had heard many deep voices but this one was so deep and melodious that it would sink into ones' flesh and bones.

For a moment she lost words to say and even forgot where she was.

"Is it so comfortable?" "Huh?" Mo Zhang Xue asked bringing Mira back to the present.

She used all her strength and with her hands on his broad shoulders, she pushed herself up but the arm around her waist restricted her from getting out of his embrace.

"You!... are you not the one holding my waist?" She asked but immediately froze when she lifted her head and looked at the face of the man in front of her.

She was ready to lash out at the person who had touched her and perhaps teach him a lesson.

It didn't matter whether he had a good voice or smelled good. "W..Wha....What if he was a pervert?" Those were the thoughts that were now on her mind.

She couldn't see his face clearly but she had a feeling she had met this man somewhere because his aura matched the other man's.

She could only see the outline of his face and since they were very close, she felt his warm clean breath on her face.

Mo Zhang Xue didn't know why his hand was disobeying him.

It seemed to have been glued to the girl's waist and was reluctant to part with the warmth and softness there.

Actually he wasn't the kind of man who touched women anyhow.

Not that he had never touched a woman.

Of course every man has their desires and he had been with a woman before but he wasn't the kind that just touched any woman.

He respected women and it was never due to love or any kind of close relationship for one he had been intimate with.

And moreover it was with one woman and twice only and always with protection.

This was to prevent any mistakes for he knew how much any woman wanted to bear the child of the Mo family.

However he stopped immediately because he didn't want to give the woman false hope.

Just in case she started thinking he would take it to another level with her.

And anyway he wasn't in the least interested in the woman.

It was just him being tricked by his father and he only remembered using protection before the last string of rationality broke.

They had done it twice but when he regained his understanding he chased the woman away and she was lucky he didn't destroy her.

So from that moment he was extra careful.

He felt more disgusted towards women and didn't entertain any female around.

This made people everywhere to gossip that besides being allergic to any dirt he was allergic to women as well.

All this in addition to being a cold and aloof man and being ruthless in business.

So he wondered how this little lady made him lose himself and why he didn't feel disgusted with her.

"Hmmm...." Mo Zhang Xue cleared his throat after hearing her accusation.

"Are you blaming me for preventing you from falling?" He asked with all seriousness.

"And.... shouldn't you be thanking me?" He asked.

"Ehh?.... After taking advantage of me you expect me to thank you?" Mira shouted at him.

" Was this man blinded by his looks that he cannot think straight anymore?" Mira mattered under her breath.

"Did you say something?" Mo Zhang Xue asked her though he had heard her statement.