Here comes the Veep!

Ten years later.


"Ayeee, look who's already looking like a vice president!" Silvie cheered as I stepped out of my room in a red power suit with killer black kitten heels. My hair had been styled in an intimidating intricate chignon, and my makeup had been done to perfection.

Basically, every part of me screamed, hell yeah, I've been waiting for this position my whole damn life!

I twirled gracefully as I blew her a kiss, reached for the cup of coffee she already had waiting for me and then plopped down on the couch beside her.

Silvie really was the best.

We had gotten separated for a while due to college; she had gone to the University of Manchester and I had gone to Harvard, but we kept in touch as much as we could and had immediately reconnected after. We got an amazing three-bedroom apartment in New Orleans and immediately moved in together despite my dad and brothers' many protests.

Of course they had it coming.

They didn't really think I was going to stay with them forever, did they? Always being so overprotective and all that nonsense. Well, too bad for them if they did. Plus, I'd always felt this desire to leave home. Alexandria always felt like the wrong place for me, and I needed a change.

As it was now, my main focus was work, and pretty much nothing else. My time at Harvard had completely changed me, at least appearance-wise. Back in high school, I'd dyed my hair a light shade of pink, and I always kept it short, but I'd gone back to my natural chestnut colour and allowed it to grow longer.

You'd think I'd have been noticeable with such bright hair, but I guess the ugly clothes had pretty much cancelled them out.

I had lost a little bit of weight, mostly due to so much learning and stress, but my boobs had clung to me stubbornly; refusing to let go. Silvie always said I should be grateful since I had something people would pay huge amounts for, but you know, it'd be nice to not have the occasional back pain sometimes.

I still had my glasses though; contacts freaked me the hell out, all that putting your fingers in your eye was a no no for me, but thankfully I only had to wear them when I had to read something.

"So how are you feeling Lu?" I heard Silvie ask faintly.

How was I feeling?

"I'm wonderful, Syl."


"Yeah, I am, you know. The position is mine... it has been for months now, and not to toot my own horn, but I do the most over there. Plus, Mr. Thomas has been throwing hints left and right, I'd be stupid not to notice."

Silvie laughed. "Easy there, Miss Passionate, don't bite my head off."

I grinned sheepishly. "Sorry."

"It's alright Veep. Today's your day."

I shook my head at her teasing antics as I sipped on my coffee. "What time do you have to be at work today?"

She scrunched her face thoughtfully. "I was supposed to take a morning shift, but Lisa has plans, so we swapped."

Silvie worked as a bartender at Rousseau's, and according to her, it was a pretty cool way to make money, especially if you were as undecided as she was with regards to what to do with your life.

"Wait, so why are you up so early if you aren't going to work yet?" I asked in confusion.

"You want me to sleep on and miss your big day? Not a chance sunshine." She declared dramatically.

"Aww, you're so cute sometimes." I cooed, laughing when she grimaced at my baby voice. I finished my coffee and stood up. "Alright, Syl... gotta go. Can't afford to give off bad impressions on my first day as Veep."

"Aye, I hear you. Get your ass outta here." She shooed me out, trailing after me to the door.

"Lu?" I heard her call out as I stepped out.


"Can I borrow your car to work when you get back?"


"Say what now?"

She laughed and repeated in a much slower voice. "I said, can I borrow your car tonight?"

My car.

My baby.

My silver Chevy Camaro Turbo 1LE!

Silvie knew my car was my most prized possession. I got it quite recently cause it fit the new position I was about to have, and she wanted to borrow it?

"Hell no, Syl."

"I'll just steal the keys when you're asleep then." She declared with a smirk.

She got me there.

"Okay, fine. But you best return her in the mint condition she's in." I warned as she laughed, gave me the bird and shut the door.

I smiled as I made my way to the elevator.

Of course, I wasn't going to say no to her.

I just liked to rile her up sometimes.

The elevator doors were about to close when I got near, but Mark; one of our neighbours held it open for me. I gave him a grateful smile as I stepped in beside him. "Thanks, M. You're a lifesaver."

"I know Lucia." He answered with a warm smile, running his eyes over my outfit appreciatively. "You look lovely."

I smiled smugly. "I already know that, but thank you."

Mark was handsome, and annoying. We had hooked up a couple of times in the past, but he had this notion that we could be a thing if he tried a little harder, despite me making it explicitly clear that it was a one-time thing.

Well, more like a five-time thing now, but who's counting?

"So, you free this weekend?" he asked nervously, right when the elevator doors opened and the car park appeared in sight. I sighed dramatically as I stepped out. "I'm so sorry Mark, but I'm fully booked this weekend."

He had a cute pout on his handsome face. "Oh, what about-"

I cut him off as I glanced at my watch. "You know what? I'm running late for work, gotta go. Bye." I dashed off to my car without another glance in his direction.





A nod here and there,

An 'Ooh, nice shirt', and several 'thank yous' later, I finally made my way to my office.

People really loved my outfit!

"God, look at you Brielle. You look amazing." Sloane, my assistant praised when she stepped into my office after a quick knock. Everyone over at the office knew me by my second name Brielle; a trend that my boss Shawn Thomas had started back when I was just a mere intern, eight long years ago.

Was it really that long? I didn't even know anymore. Time really did fly by very fast.

And look at me now, about to become Vice president!

I smiled. "Thanks love. How are the kids?"

"They're good... stressing me out a lot, but good."

We laughed.

"Mr Thomas wants to see you. He's in conference room C with the board of directors." She said after a while, her voice taking on a professional tone.

"Thank you. I'll go see him immediately."

I absently watched her walk out of my office while wondering what the board of directors were doing here with Mr. Thomas.

They rarely showed up at the office.

Was the appointment of vice president that important?

I guess it was.

I stood up, smoothed my clothes and walked out of the office to the conference room.

Pausing briefly at the door, I took a deep breath and entered the room, calm and cool on the outside, but panicking on the inside.

"Well, hello boys."