Ryan and the Renaud brothers


It's been a whole month.

A whole month since our official separation.

Dylan was still avoiding me, and just like I'd promised him, I had stopped calling… I had stopped sending texts… I had even stopped showing up at his apartment.

I was being the old, resilient Lucia.

But that didn't mean I was having the time of my life, you know? As a matter of fact, I sometimes got dangerously close to doing the very things I had promised I wouldn't do…

But that was completely normal, right? 

It hadn't been easy, to be very honest.

There had been times when it felt like my whole life was going down a downward spiral.

There had been times when going off the deep end didn't seem like such a bad idea; especially when my mind was convinced that it would rid my heart of all the pain… of all the guilt.

But I had held on strong.