Bloody red


I was floating. 

Floating over my lifeless, sleeping body. 

I tried to reach out for her… but all I grasped was air. 

Was this truly how dying felt like? 

Because instead of feeling pain— I felt free. 

I felt— liberated. 

There was no light, no darkness, no heaven, no abyss… there was just; 


If this was death, then why wasn't it scary? 

If this was the end, then why did it feel like this was just the beginning? 

It was another space, another dimension… where the main focus was no one but, 



"You can do it." 

"Just hold on." 

"I'll find you." 


No, a voice—Dylan's. 

It was fading… fading into the darkness. 

"Don't leave me Dylan!" 

But it was already too late. 

He was gone… 

And there was light.