Because of their mutation, which causes their skin to fester, they are more prone to being burned by UV rays and stung by dangerous creatures, such as the terrifying night demon.
At this time, we will only be eliminating a few mutants with thick skin and thicker thick skin.
Even though people dislike extremely high temperatures, they are able to protect themselves from the scorching sun by using a variety of shades. As a result, the long-lost daytime has become a time for hunting and activity for those who have taken refuge in the wilderness.
When Alex observed the dazzling light that was cast by the charred ground, he realised that it was time to depart.
That corpse cold place, I don't know where it is, maybe an intermediate fortress controlled by a Michellien mercenary company located eighty kilometres away, is where you can hear the news and buy some supplies that are needed for long journeys.
Because in Alex's mind, the process of calling himself to explore his life will be an extremely challenging and risky endeavour...
He put his hand out the window and felt the warmth of the sun on his palm. After only three seconds, he started to experience a strong tingling sensation in the palm of his hand.
"The temperature is possibly over 55 degrees Celsius; it's a little bit higher than it was before..."
Alex withdrew his hands from the table. If his skin is subjected to this sun light for an extended period of time, he will suffer irreparable damage from the sun's ultraviolet rays. . Despite the fact that com now possesses incredible resiliency, he does not have the masochistic tendencies necessary to take this risk.
I checked all of my equipment, including my backpack and other items, and then I put on the mysterious hood made of tentacles. The travels of Alex were about to begin.
After having such a long and restful sleep, he awoke with a sense of satiety that defied explanation, an abundance of vitality, and a sense of having accomplished something very significant.
I skipped dinner before going out last night...
Alex exited the building once he was satisfied that everything was in its proper place. Once the day had arrived, even the house was unable to remain for very long.
Because of the building's darkness, it has developed into a hunting paradise for mutants that are afraid of light.
Exiles are not permitted in the streets or the wilderness during the night, but during the day, exiles are restricted to a variety of dark buildings. the nighttime restrictions are reversed.
After Alex emerged from the building, he stood on the destroyed street in the glaring sunlight and examined the map that he was holding in his hand. A significant distance separated the characters from the Michellien mercenary company's attached fortress, which was previously identified.
The room of the boss was also searched, where they found this priceless map of the waste land.
It will take you approximately three days to reach your destination if you walk on the road while preserving your strength. The distance is approximately 80 kilometres.
Alex's method of calculating time is silent in his heart due to the fact that day and night are constantly changing.
After the black rain, the majority of the electronic devices that were left over from the previous era, including watches, have also failed in a strange manner.
Consuming nothing more than a clean water bottle and a piece of dried meat jerky should be sufficient while out and about on the road.
Naturally, if he comes across prey that is simple to hunt, he will not pass up the opportunity to store food for later if it presents itself.
Alex drew in a long breath before setting off on this adventure into the unknown.
There are no clouds in the sky, and the sun is shining brightly.
These are words that should be used to describe a bright and beautiful day, but instead they are being used to describe an era in which all living things will suffer horribly.
This land is still being baked by the extremely high temperatures, which reach nearly 50 degrees Celsius and above, as well as the intense sunlight, which causes people to become temporarily blinded after just one look.
On a national road that is dozens of kilometres long, the asphalt road that was once smooth has become pliable like a sponge. This is because the asphalt has been roasted by the hot high temperature, which has caused it to become covered with air holes and melted into the original asphalt that flows on both sides of the road.
The soles of your feet will give off a potent odour of roasted meat if you walk on it barefoot; the odour will be released within five seconds after you start walking on it.
In addition, the shoulder of the road is littered with a wide variety of rusted and abandoned vehicles of all kinds.
The fact that the driver's skull bones were found in the driver's seat provided conclusive evidence that the accident that occurred five years ago was so sudden that the driver and passenger either did not have enough time to apply the brakes before colliding with the roadside fence, which destroyed the car, or were fortunate enough to survive. The inhabitants of the corpse-living world devoured human skeletons.
Alex fastened several layers of insulation plywood that he had made himself under his feet at this point, and he proceeded to step on the road that was emitting hot steam like a swamp.