
Alex immediately became vigilant after receiving instinctual feedback from the Doomsday-Virus organism. He immediately jumped off the roof of the wrecked vehicle and quickly leaned back.

Since he has gained access to this ability, he has been given a warning of this perilous nature for the second time, which suggests that he will soon be confronted with an adversary who is capable of endangering him.

However, he did not interact with the group of individuals that were in front of him. Alex had a long-held suspicion that these transitional refugee groups would soon fall apart, so he remained in the back to keep an eye on things.

Indeed, this band of guys had already hunted a living corpse, and as a result, they already had a significant internal conflict on their hands.

As for the Doomsday warrior, he proceeded forward toward the grey crystal while dragging the body of the deceased behind him.

Otherwise, you will not be lowered and will have to compete for tickets with these ordinary refugees if you do not arrive at the fortress earlier. If you do so, you will be able to naturally live in as the Mutant.

However, at this point in time, those idiots are scared of their own identities, and as a result, they do not have the guts to move their brains.

However, he failed to take into account the fact that in addition to himself, there was also an Doomsday hunter who was on a level playing field with him.

As he knelt down to pick up the grey spar, suddenly behind him came the piercing sound of a sharp weapon slicing through the air.

Uh ~

An arrow pierced the lifeless body that was resting on the back of the last-day warrior in a split second, and the arrow's tail trembled with the force of the impact!

"Boss surmised that you gentleman does not have good intentions; I will pull out the spar in your head at a later time!" The Doomsday warrior received a rebuke as severe as possible right away.

Unanticipatedly, the vision-enhancing Doomsday hunter shot the arrow, but it missed its target, which was the body of the opponent.

The warriors of the last day were also thankful that they had been prepared to use the dead body of a person as a shield that they carried behind their backs.

The only change to that hunter's abilities is an improvement to his vision, and his speed should not be significantly slower than his own.

And even if it is a warrior of the strength type, its leg strength is superior to that of average people, and its movement speed is not slow by any stretch of the imagination.

He snatched the spar from the ground and clutched it tenaciously in the palm of his hand. He didn't waste any time and started running back in the direction of the bright spot. In addition to this, he shifted the position of the corpse so that it would be more resistant to the arrows that were coming from him.

The elderly warrior gave a menacing grin as he looked at the hunter, who was still shooting arrows at himself, and the warrior knew that it was imperative to break the hunter's head!

The hunter from the final day gave no indication that he wanted to flee, and he continued to shoot arrows at a rapid rate.

He suddenly noticed a strange smile on the face of the other party when they were approximately 30 metres away from him, and he fired the string full again at the other party.

This time, however, he aimed the arrow slightly downward and let it fly during the split second when his adversary's legs were exposed due to the running gap! He was successful!

Huh! !!

The pain in the last-day warrior's leg was caused by the arrow that had penetrated his thigh and been lodged there. The rate at which he was running immediately slowed down significantly, but this did not threaten his life in any way.

"You cretin!" he yelled.

The apocalyptic warrior who was bitter and angry immediately scolded and cursed, and then carefully resisted the body of the exile that was in front of him, seeking to eliminate any remaining flaws.


I also shot an arrow straight on, and this one actually went right through the back of the exile's body and into the very center of the last-day warrior!

This time, the warrior who took a fatal blow the previous time is unable to run, a cricket fell to the ground, and the grey spar that was in his hand also dropped aside while making a crisp rolling sound.

He could not believe his eyes when he saw the back of the dead body stuffed with a large number of arrows. The body was no longer functioning.

The most important thing is that almost all of these arrows hit their target, and they each pierced a hole through the body!

The final arrow, which will prove to be fatal, has been shot through the blood hole and into his heart!

Only the vision-enhanced eschatology hunter can achieve such a high hit rate with such pinpoint accuracy...

"You ..." The Doomsday warrior who spat blood out on the beach collapsed to the ground, and it appeared as though he was hesitant to say anything.


I shot the sharp arrows at him once more, and this time they went through his right eye, straight into his brain, and snuffed out his last breath...

"Hum, arrogant guy."

The veteran hunter regarded the dead body and the grey spar in front of him with disdain. He had no intention of picking up the item himself and was instead planning to coerce a ghost of a deceased person to carry out this mission for him.

Just as he turned his head to ask a young immigrant boy who was shaking uncontrollably to come by, he became acutely aware of the presence of a potentially harmful situation behind him.

The swift action of the end-time hunter caused a wooden stick containing rusty nails to crash to the ground and then smash into the bow that was raised.

It was then that he noticed a slender and fearless woman exile who was trying to sneak up on him, and this suddenly irritated him.

"Why, you want to die too?"

Instantaneously, the immortal hunter lifted his right foot and made a pass at the woman in the direction of Alex.

On the other hand, the young boy who appeared timid and was standing behind him suddenly pulled a wooden dagger from his arms and struck him on the waist.

"Relinquish your hold on my mother!"

Uh ...

The hunter lowered his head during the final days of the hunt and noticed that there was only a scabbard wound in the waist of the game. The severe pain caused him to experience instant redness and swelling in both of his eyes.

His heart is filled with both rage and excruciating pain at the same time.

"Your various species of insignificant size!"

He obstinately pulled the dagger from its sheath, and he was prepared to dispatch the mother and son together to the west.

He was only able to hear a muffled sound, and all of a sudden, a rusty hammer appeared out of nowhere and severely injured him!

Suddenly, a trace of blood that was sticky and ran down his face from his forehead to his chin...

The hunter in the last few days was struck directly by this hammer. The face was shocked and dull, and he looked around.

I looked over and saw the young birds that had just moved out of the way; I'm not sure when they had all gathered together, but the expressions on their faces were all neutral.

"you guys..."


I broke another iron rod, and then I broke the second, and then the third...

These refugees were completely silent the entire time. Everyone pulled out their own weapons and proceeded to attack the "nobleman" in complete silence.

They appear to treasure the unique opportunity before them. Every stick has almost used up all of its available energy, and the crowd is still being kept on their toes by the constant muzzle of sticks.

A minute or so later, the Doomsday hunter, who had once stood tall, was smashed into a ball of meat, and everyone stepped on it!

As for the fight that took place in his head, I have no idea who was responsible for cleaning it up...

"The two self-respecting special Mutants that were a part of the team have both perished, and at this point, we only have refugees. Now that we are all at the same starting line, our competition can finally begin to be fair. Whoever gets their hands on that stone can put their money on it!"

As soon as the man's voice began to fade, the other individual dashed forward.

As time went on, more bees began to react, and soon there was a swarm of bees heading towards the dark street!

No one wants to cooperate in order to hunt the dead once more because in their minds, the only thing that matters is the grey spar on the ground that provides them with the means to lead a secure life.

Wait for you to grab the ticket, and while you're doing that, what do other people do with their lives?

Alex was quite taken aback as he sat in the very back of the room and watched this high-stakes dramatic scene unfold. He did not anticipate that these regular, humble refugees, who are typically placed in front of the Mutant, would put up any sort of fight against him on this day.

But even at this point, he did not fire the shot because the feeling of impending peril had not gone away, and it was getting heavier and heavier...