Are we closer to the truth?

Since it's exam day for beam's school, their classes are always dismissed early They can have the rest of the day to themselves and do their final work before they need to pack up their things to head home. It was something that always made Beam smile; being able to leave class earlier than everyone else and go home.

While Aom we're scrolling through her social media at the canteen, she was laughing at how much attention she got after apologizing only for ploy.

"People are gullible and ignorant, after believing in a fact and getting replaced by another fact, they will be completely entitled, sitting watching whose side is winning and they will choose the one that has the power! and since beam and I have already taken the balanced power, the majority will side with me MORE because I had been popular ever since!"

Beam went to her room to change her uniform and she saw ploy trying to get out of the mirror.

Beam said. "Trying to explore since you can't teleport?"

Ploy replied "Yeah! My feet are already fading, and all I can see was my fading skirt And my body." Ploy suddenly changes the topic.

"How was school? Still can't get over the sleep paralysis?" Beam becomes irritated and told ploy that she couldn't answer her exam nicely due to traumas she experienced in the past few weeks.

Ploy said. "Deal with it."

Beam replied "You've been thru a lot so it's okay! But how about me? It's disturbing!"

Ploy replied, "You know when I first saw you, you are the type of person that I can easily manipulate or silence either."

Beam replied "That's not true, and you know it!' Beam thought. "Even if I did, I would never betray the trust you and your family put in me. I just hate you a little bit."

Ploy replied. "Anyways! What happened to the police station and to the records?"

Beam told ploy that after aom found out that poverty was the reason why she was still 21 in high school she made an apology video because her fans are asking for an apology video.

Beam thought. "I felt bad for her though…"

Ploy replied "Really? Just because she said sorry? She's just trying to grab her crowd and turn it into her majority again." Ploy whispered to herself aggressively "If Manipulation is the game she wants we're ready."

Beam responded angrily "Aren't you tired of doing to people the same thing they've done to you? If we keep revenging and fighting it's a never-ending cycle on a circle!"

Ploy replied "Tsk! A never-ending cycle…."

In the morning beam wears a white polo and loose pants and grabs her tote bag, they went to Anong's case hearing

The first few minutes were silent due to its introduction, Beam simply stood there looking at the prosecutor. After a minute he began to get impatient due to anxiousness while standing.

Beam cleared her throat trying to get attention to look up at him, the lawyer did not move. The prosecutor then repeated himself but with a bit more authority.

She finally looked up from her phone and focused on the prosecutor who was now standing over her. He had his arms crossed waiting for an answer.

Beam felt ploy was at her back so she got some confidence to read her paper even though her hands are shaking.

She took a deep breath to calm down and read it again before responding.

" As far as I know, the facts stated in this statement are accurate. those who make false statements in a document that is verified by a statement of truth without an honest belief in its truth can be held in contempt of court.

Ploy Adulyadej ayatdeli was my cousin and my best friend, anong was my cousin too, he is ploy's middle brother and I will make this statement as a witness for Anong Adulyadej ayatdeli.

According to Ploy Adulyadej ayatdeli, she saw the gunman and even asked her about anong a lot, the gunman even had a piece of paper written on it but fell onto the ground. the other day also she saw him talking with Anong at the night market near a gadget store, ploy went home and she just saw her brother's head get hit by aunt due to him spending his money on material things.

Ploy even heard that they were fighting in debt.

On August 21, 2020, 2563 It was ploy's class dismissal time- she saw the gunman shooting random innocent people, she acts dead and woke up in an alleyway at the back of a factory in near our school.

She said she lost her bag and cell phone, then was on her way out she saw a woman get raped but she didn't meddle with her due to her social anxiety, the women's iPhone is dead and broken so she can't activate seri.

While at school when ploy was about to empty her pocket and saw the paper again, she decided to read it only to find out that Anong was in debt.

This is a complete miss understanding and bullshit because her girlfriend is clout chasing her using her little sister, who even dated a middle age police guy just so he could help her with clout chasing Anong and even tell to the whole students of paramaanan Christian high school that he was her father.

I also found out that the girl's boyfriend was the gunman.

This is written on October 28 twenty twenty-one."

Anong replied to himself "Little did I know, ploy knows a lot."