10 years passed and Klaus has made some more magic and sword techniques with the help of the system but none of them were above tier 8, Klaus felt disappointed

"Sigh, these 10 years, I couldn't make any breakthroughs, to increase my ability I need real life experience"

While he was feeling disappointed, if his words were heard by any normal person they will beat him to death for this arrogance, in this world of swords and magic these techniques and magic were more precious than anything, even tier 7 is enough to cause war in small nations and ,

Tier 8 can lead to war in kingdoms and tier 9 were more rare and can be said there were not more than 30 such techniques and magic in the whole world and out of them 11 were under control of Whiteblood family and remaining were heirlooms of royal family of some strong kingdoms, noble families of empire and 7 were under royal family of Empire.

The common sense of Klaus was messed up because he has seen the world in novels only, where powerful techniques and magic were shown like tom,dick and harry and only Techniques and Magic of Supreme or tier 9 were given importance and then he grew up in the family of Whitebloods where even lowest of low is tier 6

He could be said to be at least 10 times stronger than those sons and daughters of noble families who were considered future elites of the Strongest Empire,

Klaus had awakened his mana heart or core 6 years ago, and is able to use mana

Six years ago...

"So this is what they call mana ha? This thing that feels like thick gas flowing in my body is mana, it has a warm feeling, like when you come in front of a heater after bathing in ice"

"Ooh! Klaus have you awakened the mana heart ?"

Suddenly he heard his mom shout about him and she was very surprised and happy!

Klaus was surprised by the sudden shout his mother made and then tilted his head and said innocently to not make it suspicious

"What is mana heart mom?"

"Oh dear! Klaus it is a very good thing your father will be proud normally even super geniuses take about 6 years to awaken mana heart but you awakened it at only five, amazing! "

Suddenly the door was opened and Klaus's father was at the door he panicked and asked

"What happened, why were you shouting ?"

The mother was surprised but then she calmed and said "look dear klaus has awakened his mana heart when he is only 5!"

His father was also surprised and started talking...

"That's a very good thing , we should celebrate!!!"

"I know right!!"

While they were discussing Klaus was surprised that it wasn't normal to awaken mana at only five,

'Hey system what is this?'

[The host has only asked when you can Awaken mana, you didn't ask about when others Awaken their mana]

'Sigh, well it's a relief my family ain't normal one'

Klaus released a deep breath and then he showed an innocent smile to his parents and started practicing mana for the rest of years and now after six years he has gained full control on mana

Back to present...

At age of twelve at academy students gather for two reasons, first is to study and second is to awaken their elemental affinity, Klaus was 11 after some months he also have to go to academy where all the elites are gathered and he has to reach absolute top to crush that arrogant protagonist

And for that he has to be overwhelmingly strong so he decided to train for an year before going to academy, that's why he's hunting today for Leveling up and hone his skills in real life battle, today with some knights and guards guarding him in secret ...

The place where Klaus is the northern region of the empire where there is snowfall the whole year and klaus is going on a hunt in the forest region covered with snow, Klaus woke up in the morning and secretly ran to the forest to hunt in the morning ...

He ran about 500M inside the forest which was considered very ordinary for him now and began his search for prey,

The stronger prey he hunts the more he will level up so he makes level 25 as his goal before entering the academy, so that he can be assured that he can save himself from all events that will take place in the academy and he can crush all those arrogant young masters and one sided justice maniacs...

Thinking that he became excited and started moving towards the forest...