After klaus assessed all things that were going on in his mind he calmed his happiness and sat down at his bed while Rachel was kneeling at ground with one hand behind his back and another at her chest,

Now klaus was calm and he started "Rachel! As I said before ..." he hesitated for a bit then continued "I would like you to run a business company and you can do whatever you want with it, under the shadow of company you have to conquer the underworld and create a force fully loyal to me who can work perfectly in shadows and I want you to gather internal information of all nobles and royalty, influential peoples and even enemies"

Hearing this Rachel's eyes widened as she muttered "This will take at least an year and creating a force with such quality requires a lot of capital and time ..."

As she was muttering to herself klaus guessed her thoughts and continued "You don't have to worry about starting capital here take these 1000 platinum coins and buy at least 3 top companies of Empire and buy some slaves who are good assassins , they can't betray us and by giving them good working conditions like holidays and salaries despite being slave and little brainwashing will make them most loyal beings but you shouldn't reveal my connections with you until receiving mine command at any cost,

As for business plan you should make these products based on these blueprints, these are blue prints of transparent glasses, advanced carriages with suspenors, makeup products for nobles, shampoo and soaps, advanced crossbow for military, technology to make new type of fibre and design for clothes and these are recipe of some dishes ... ."

Rachel was once again stunned because up until now even as favourite daughter of 3rd ranking business company's leader she has never seen more than 10 platinum coins at same time and but now she was completely stunned and amazed by these never seen before technologies and recipes that klaus took out of nowhere, she tried her best to not show her excitement and maintain cold look but her face and body betrayed her and began trembling uncontrollably and in her heart klaus became an absolute omnipotent god.

Unknown to klaus he had developed his first believer he continued teaching her modern techniques of business,

Even for klaus pulling out 1000 platinum coins was too much, those coins were all his savings till now and the money he got from selling all those rare monsters and herbs he got from the forest by help of some secret plot but that's a story for next time,he got about 400 platinum coins from selling them...

Klaus maintained dignified look on his face but seeing her trembling with excitement he became smug and once again his evil nature kicked in 'hehehe are you impressed now? Before I started working at company during highschool and university days I had won many awards and competitions on international level but because people of that world were so obsessed with their idols I wasn't given much attention, even mine friends didn't paid attention about these things! but now? Kneel before this god of technology! and Sage of modern knowledge!'

Surprisingly he was still a genius before transmigration but he was like unspoken legend because of the obsession of the people of previous world if not for his twisted mind...tch tch truly a waste,

'kekeke how great it feels to get attention you deserve now kneel before the king yahahahahahahahahahaha !! '





And like that after receiving all necessary commands and blueprints, Rachel left she already knew of some peoples who were strong and loyal but were still slave because of betrayal, debt, punishment, or some other reasons.

Rachel bought the 4th Ranked Business Organisation, about 12 biggest restaurant and 5 hotels, 17 first rate production workshops, and a huge share of about 33% of adventurers guild and rest were used for buying slaves and raw materials and shares of companies klaus commanded to buy.

The capital went to uproar once again because of sudden purchase of top tier organisation, top restaurants, shares of various companies & adventurer's guild

and thousands of slaves.

Next day all the corrupt employees of organisation,workshops and restaurants and hotels were fired and new rules and policies were adopted with double salary but a condition was put to not reveal technology and ways a company works many were dissatisfied so they left, they were cursing at Rachel

"This organisation won't last long, take back your policies"

"How can you fire us I have been working here for 13 years"

"How can we not disclose working of company, I bet its suspicious"

"They want to take whole authority, even if they beg me I won't come back!"

But dispite all this drama the only thing they got was cold look from Rachel and just as they were leaving they saw many new peoples taking their place and for next few days many new peoples who agreed to non disclosure contact were recruited and for first time in Empire the employees were provided one holiday in week and holidays on festivals, extra salary for overtime and bonus for good performance and many more benefits from modern world...

After a week all the bought organisations, workshops and restaurants were opened and then...