The academy declared a holiday for some days and all peoples returned to their home the knights and maids of Klaus had already gotten news so they came rushing to the academy ...

The captain of the Imperial Knights had now composed himself and he went to Klaus "Are you alright young master klaus?"

Hearing the Knight Klaus nodded and with a smile he replied "Haha I'm okay you don't have to worry just feeling dizzy after using all my mana and I have no strength to stand up anymore"

The captain was just about to say something but suddenly 7 knights and maid teleported in front of them, they were the knights and maid of klaus they directly came to klaus and asked in worry "Young master are you alright you didn't get hurt did you?"

"Nah you don't have to worry I just exhausted mine mana the evil has been taken care of" klaus replied in carefree tone

but this had different reaction on them all the subjects of klaus were enraged as they shouted at Captain of Imperial Knights and Principal "Miss Stevens because of your idiotic policies and rules young master was attacked by those cultist,

If we were allowed inside the academy this wouldn't have happened and what the hell is wrong with you Roger how can Imperial Knights not know the movements of cultists near the capital? Are you sure you are still tier 9 people? If it wasn't that our young master was prodigy this Empire would have been facing the greatest calamity in 1000 years"

Even after hearing all this both Principal and Captain of Imperial Knights didn't say anything and just stayed silent as mistake was on their side and the Imperial Knights were in even worst situation they thought it will end safely and quietly but after seeing their Captain getting lectured they surely wanted to defend him but the bloodthirsty and enraged aura exploding from the knights of Whitebloods wasn't all allowing them to do so

And on top of that the maid who was silent till now was even more dangerous, it could clearly seen from her facial features which was that of someone who was controlling his rage from exploding at all cost but still some bloodlust was leaked and sweat dropped from back of Principal and Imperial Knights as if they had seen death on front of their eyes

After sometimes they took Klaus and left the peoples left, at scene peoples were scared shitless and sighed of relief Imperial Knights left immediately and on his way the knights asked the captain "Captain who was that knight and maid they definitely weren't ordinary"

Captain just replied "That man was called the 'Wolf of North' he is 5th strongest human in world, he and that party of six knights are all at least peak tier 8 and together are called 'The Wolves of Whiteblood' and their only job is protecting the youngest of whiteblood,

They were established 12 years ago for this sole purpose before this, that man alone had defeated an army of 100,000 alone in battlefield of north and saved Empire during a surprise attack, and that Maid was titled 'the white death ' she is 4th strongest human in world and strongest Assassin God in world she has killed uncountable number of corrupt officials and enemies before becoming personal maid of Klaus de Whiteblood but still her bloodlust is strongest and can make even Emperor afraid of her"

Hearing the information about the Capitan Knight and maid all knights shivered and the knight who questioned said "We are called strongest Knights of Empire but we don't even have ability to defeat knights and maids protecting a kid who isn't even an adult" but no one dared to refuse his words,

This matter was reported to Emperor and all the nobles and kings of different kingdoms they sighed of relief and and same time shuddered at thought of rage they will face after this news is spread to whitebloods but they were also stunned by hearing how he killed the leader of cult branch they engraved the name of 'Klaus de Whiteblood' in deepest part of soul to not offend him at any cost.

The commotion went all over the place and once again the royal place was in tension and on other hand Reus honestly I almost forgot about him, was now standing in front of his balcony

"That aura and control over swords and magic as expected of legendary Magic Swordsman, I must make him my master even if I have to beg him to teach me"

Honestly Reus wasn't bad person in heart but being praised from childhood and being unrivalled from his peers he just thought what he said is right and others wrong but after being crushed again and again by klaus and seen the image of hero he had in klaus his mind broke and he made Klaus his hero and started idolising him , unknown to klaus he has gained one more fan but he will still crush Reus cause the personality of Reus is still that of arrogant self righteous protagonist...