Bact to the duel...

Klaus was grinning while Reus was shocked because of that powerfull attack that he barely managed to avoid.

"Reus you get ready to handle the archer, you have wasted too much mana on previous attack!" klaus told Reus with serious expression

Reus wanted to fight Mage but he also knew his condition and he agreed on klaus's suggestion. Reus rushed towards the archer but then suddenly the mage attacked


And lot of water in concentrated form got launched towards Reus but then a grin formed in klaus's face and he rushed in front of attack and


And with that a huge wall made of ice at least a meter thick appeared in front of klaus and stopped the strike from mage. Klaus grinned and said

"Where is you focus lady? I'm still here"

Hearing him say that the princess replied "Hope you still be here after my next strike Mr. Magic Swordsman"

It was sarcastic voice but klaus just grinned and provoked "We will see about that Miss Ancient Elf, how old are you 1000 years? 2000 years?"

And his provocation worked and she shouted "I'm just 12 year old you rude kid, let me teach you a lesson ...QUADRUPLE LANCE STRIKE"

And Lance's of different elements came towards Klaus but klaus just grinned

And on another side Reus used his sword to eliminate the archer and shouted "I'm done here Klaus, I'm coming to help! " but just then three Lance's of water, earth and wind element attacked him and he was thrown out of stadium

Some seconds ago...

When Klaus saw the Lance's he grinned and said "FULL COUNTER"

And with that all lances that came towards him got got reflected back to the elf lady but some got missed and with that both Reus and Elf princess got eliminated.

"You know Miss Elf I'm true believer of gender equality" Klaus said with grin.

Audience and people who saw that were in total shock. The spell that princess used was peak tier 7 spell but it was still useless against Klaus.

And the thoughts of epic duel with hundreds of strikes between Legendary Magic Swordsman and Ancient Elf they were expecting got shattered with one strike of klaus. Both Princess and Reus got thrown out of platform and Klaus was still standing in platform with proud expression .

"Now the finals of tournament will be held after an hour of rest between Asmodeous Academy and Genesis Academy! "

The commentators used all their will power to calm themselves and come out from their shocks to announce that after the Klaus's savage strike.

Emperor and other representatives also had same reaction.

"Looks like my nephew is real Whiteblood, so savage and merciless! " with that said he went silent, and the representative of elves had his jaw dropped to ground. Just a second ago he was bragging but now...

After an hour both teams came to the platform and got in battle position, the audience was cheering both teams and the teams that have lost were also watching the match from sidelines.

"Start the duel!"

As referee said that both side rushed like before, all of them were excited while klaus was thinking ' I should finish this match quickly, the devil will be coming any time soon, I can recover mana with potions but stamina takes time'

And with that Klaus shouted "Full power from start! No need to hold back and strike with full strength! "


As he shouted phantom of Ice Phoenix and Black Panther appeared behind him, seeing klaus others of team also started using their most powerfull techniques and spells.

But seeing this scene almost all audience and representatives were shocked to their core and many after glancing at eyes of the phantoms felt shiver down their spine, Ice Phoenix gave them shuddering cold feeling while Black Panther was their nightmare.

And Klaus while leaving after images directly striked the close combat demon, the demon who thought he could take the strike got blown far away at least 50M but it wasn't much and he quickly returned but he was still greatly hurt

Klaus then striked other close combat demon from upwards the demon tried to block but was directly pinned to ground and fell on his knees.

Klaus didn't gave them attention and directly rushed towards the mages. The two demons striked by Klaus were now handled by Reus and Bobbie along with Brian who damaged them in middle of duel .

Ariana was giving all her buff to Reus and Brian as Klaus had told her, Anna was showering her arrows and magic that Reus told them to learn. The results of the training was visible, they were now better at controlling their strength and mana

Sam was continuously using earth magic to obstruct the defensive demon mage and Klaus who was rushing towards the demon mage was grinning like crazy while dodging all the attacks that they were throwing.

Seeing this scene all previous opponents of klaus and audience shuddered, he was untouchable in this duel, klaus wasn't giving them any chance to use the same move they did with beastmens he was constantly keeping mages in check.

Suddenly klaus shouted "SWORD RAIN"

And hundreds of swords with different elements materialised in back of klaus and then launched towards the mages like rain. They could not handle such a powerful strike and got eliminated .

Now the defense mage was still standing while covering himself like a shell klaus directly rushed towards him and "CHAINS!!"

And with that chains formed of three different elements and covered his shell like barrier and then "STORM THRUST"

And with that klaus striked his both swords with the barrier covered in chain and then like a ball the defense demon mage got thrown out of platform and by now both close combat demons were eliminated by Reus and others.

It was a super quick duel which ended in just 1 minute. This final match of the tournament was shortest duel in history of the tournaments.

All peoples were shocked and had their jaw dropped to ground even Emperor and representatives were shocked. And specially demons, they had horrified expression as if they have seen a nightmare, before they could even use any powerful move they got eliminated.



A loud cheer echoed in stadium, although all duels of Genesis Academy this time resulted in overwhelming victory but this match was like stepping on bug, but it wasn't that demons were weak it's just Klaus was too strong.

"Then let's move to nex....ugh! WwWaht's happening! ...kugh!"

Just as announcer was about to announce suddenly a huge crimson coloured barrier formed covering whole stadium. All peoples panicked and suddenly they lost control of their mana and body, they were totally paralyzed

'So they finally came! ' as klaus thought that a huge figure of crimson colour with different black coloured tattoos and scars floated in sky with pitch black eyes and black horns in their forehead. He had dark and red blood like liquid surrounding him. He had a super ugly face and wore pant that was pitch black and a neckless made of bones.


The figure said in extremely loud voice, all peoples covered their ears but they were still harmed and blood came out from their ears, eyes or mouths.

"It's nerve wracking, but still let's try it" Klaus said with trembling body and blood coming out from corner of his mouth.