Klaus was panicked because of sudden news and thought 'In drama there was only one church that worshipped all Gods and the head of the church was a crazy bitch! '

And just as klaus was panicking all peoples in Empire saw the light pillar from Stevens Mansion and many peoples recognised that, in Royal Palace...

Emperor was sitting in his throne and all peoples had serious face and Emperor said "The Cultists have gone too far to dare to do such thing, if not for Klaus we will be in our grave! Now that the Representatives and other guests have left let's begin out cultist extermination project!"

Just as Emperor was saying that a official came running and shouted "Your majesty! a big trouble has appeared! "

The Emperor remained calm and said "Is it another Devil?"

"No! Your majesty! it's not Devil" official said in hurried voice

"Then why are you shouting so loudly! Take care of small businesses yourself " Emperor said in care free voice waving his hand

But official became more panicked and shouted "Your Majesty! Our device has detected that Klaus de Whiteblood has became Saint, and now church is sending Archbishops to Stevens mansion"

Hearing that Emperor and officials once again panicked and shouted "What the hell! Immediately send Imperial Knights and others to cover Stevens Mansion"

And as Royal Palace was panicked, in Church...

A lady in complete white dress and a golden cloth covering her face was preying in front of 7 Gods, suddenly her eyes widened and she shouted "Order all of the Archbishops and Holy Knights to greet the Saint at Stevens Mansion"

"Yes Your Holiness Pope!" from another room the voice came!

"Heheheh finally the saint has came. Kya what do I do? " Just as other figures near her room left the serious face of girl faded and face of shy girl appeared.

On Stevens mansion...

"What do I do? what do I do?..." Klaus was muttering and walking in his room then suddenly his eyes lit up and then he said "Hey guys! Saint's authority is greatest in Church right?"

Ashia said "Yes young master in Church's hierarchy saint is on the top and is said to be child loved by Gods, then comes Pope leader of Church followed by Arch bishop,Bishop, Arch Priest ,High priest, Priest and Apprentice Priest"

'In drama, there was nothing like Saint, because it was made purely by view of Reus and Reus wasn't liked by anyone because of his personality, if I can make use of Church then I will easily be able to use healers in future'

As klaus thought a grin appeared on his face and outside the Stevens Mansion Imperial Knights and other knights and mages have covered whole Mansion and then suddenly a large crowd of people on white clothes appeared with many knights and priests and 4 Arch Bishops.

When they got near an Arch Bishop who looked very kind said "Please let us pass through, we have to meet the Saint"

To which Captain of Imperial Knights said "We can't that is Emperor's order!"

"We want peace but if you will be like that then please forgive us for divine punishment" suddenly another Arch Bishop with serious face said

Hearing that Captain said "You can try, but Emperor's order are absolute"

After hearing what Captain said Arch Bishops said "then forgive us, Holy Knights Beseech Divine Punishment! "

And all knights in White Armour took out their weapons and just as both sides were about to fight a voice came


All peoples turned their faces towards the voice and what they saw was a boy of 12 years old with Golden hair which weren't combed and looked fluffy but he still looked very cool and had golden and silver aura surrounding him and the centre of white pillar.

The boy came near them and said to Archbishops "I, Klaus de Whiteblood with mine authority as Saint order you all to not meddle in my daily life and we shall meet again in Coming Age Ceremony and take this as gift from me"

As klaus said that his Aura materialised into a white sword without any cross gaurd with a white sheath emitting white aura and got in solid form.

Peoples who saw this were mesmerised and the Arch Bishop took the sword with trembling hands and eyes of all peoples of Church become wet and some were even crying like crazy with snot.

To others that sword was just a materialised sword but for the followers of god the sword was materialised aura of Saint, that means sword contains a part of God's aura, it was priceless treasure for Church and then Arch Bishop shouted

"Saint is testing us let's protect the sword with our life, let's retreat and report it to Pope!" as the Arch Bishop said all of Church's peoples retreated back and on the another hand the Imperial Knights were dumbfounded, although there wasn't any tier 9 Holy Knight but after Knights of Whiteblood, Holy knights were said to be strongest in world and with buff from Arch Bishops and others many Imperial knights and Knights from Palace would have been killed.

Amd this matter was solved by Kluas with just few words, Captain of Imperial Knights then put his hand on chest and said "Sir, thank you for you help"

"No No no need to thank me I was the one who created trouble! Please help me in the future too and thanks for protecting me, Bye bye!" Klaus said while waving his hands and returned back inside his mansion.

While on the another hand Imperial Knights had red faces and teary eyes, one of young knight said

"I now understand why they call him Saint, despite slaying the devil that was our job he didn't criticised us and he helped us and still didn't took credit and in mine 5 years of service I didn't received a single thanks!"

"His small actions are so heart touching! "

"Captain should we make a division of knights to protect Saint and let me be the member of that division"

Just as knights started chatting their Captain said "Do you think you are stronger than his Knights and Maids, if you even got near him even with good intentions, I can't guarantee you life"

Hearing that the knights remembered Ashia and Klaus's knights and shivered then after sometimes they all retreated back to Palace.

Klaus was now inside Mansion and he sighed

"Sigh! Thank God I asked system for this function"

Some time ago...

'Those fanatics won't go back empty handed I have to give them something hm~, System can you make some thing with holy presence'


"Do it when I'm in front of them"


Back to present...

'Now let's distribute my stat points and check out that item I took from cultists, System!'