"Hey wait guys! Take this with you, this is first batch and special cards there are only 9 of them in the world, this platinum card will give you 50% discount on all products of Golden Turtle Organisation"

As he said he took out 5 Platinum cards with Golden Turtle printed on it, seeing this all of them were surprised including maids and servents that came with them. Suddenly Yumiko with cat face asked "Can we also get discounts on limited edition cloths?"

"Yeah you can, and you can get one for free for the first time use, there are other function like delayed payment, free dinner for family once a month, free stay in hotel for once a week and VVIP treatment and some others things I forgot!" as soon as Klaus said all eyes lit up and they thanked Klaus and then they went to their homes.

All of them showed their cards to their parents with smug looks and a sudden commotion started at night that day, all nobles and big shots were going crazy because of the card, all of products from Klaus's Organisation were very expensive even for nobles and taking it for half price was an ground breaking offer.

One of card was sent to the Emperor and One for the Pope, Emperor next day was showing off his card next day sat on his office and took out the card and showed it to his vessels and Empress and said "What do you guys think?"

His tone was very serious then suddenly Empress said "Oh my Dear! This is very beautiful carving on platinum, and Golden Turtle looks very good on this thing, was it given by Klaus?"

Hearing Empress all vessels nodded but Emperor's face became more smug and he said "This is the first gift my cute nephew gave me, this is called Platinum Card of Golden Turtle Organisation and there are only 9 of them in world, it gives me 50% discount on all products and services on Klaus's Organisation, and also priority over the limited edition products, and many more!"

"Really! Dear this is very amazing, all the best products are made by Golden Turtle Organisation and priority over limited edition products means I can get Angel Queen set dress right?" Empress said excitedly

"Yes you can but!...I won't give you this card as it is especially made for me! Look my name along with mine majestic figure is printed on backside" Emperor said with more excited face and showed backside of the card.

Empress pouted and said "Why are you given this gift and why is your figure made in such a cool way? You are not as handsome as in card."

"What are you talking about? I look exactly like this!" Emperor retorted, all peoples who were present there thought 'Where is your dignity? why are you fighting like kids?'

Then suddenly butler of Emperor said "But your majesty aren't you ignoring most important part? The figure of yours and Golden Turtle are carved in a 'Platinum' even with most advanced magic this has never happened before"

Just as this thing was pointed out the room went silent and Emperor became serious and said "This means Klaus's gift in itself is a treasure, even without the benefit it has, meaning... 🤩Oh my nephew loves his uncle more than his aunt ahahahahaha!

Seeing Emperor's reaction Empress got more angry while his vessels face palmed their heads and thought 'Is he really the usually cold and dignified Emperor?'

In the Church...

Pope received the Platinum Card and invited all of the peoples that were present in Church and put the card in a white silky clothes on top of a table and said "This is Saint's second gift to us and a personal gift to me, it is said there are only 9 of them and 5 were given to his closest friend and 1 to Emperor

...his friends are very close to him while Emperor is his blood relative but he hasn't even seen us but he still gave us this precious card meaning he considers us as one of most precious peoples in World, we are unworthy for such thing without doing anything, so as mine authority as Pope I want to establish a special force for sir Saint responsible to protect and help him!"

"Yes Pope!" all peoples present there said with fanatic faces and their thoughts were stuck on one sentence 'Saint considers us as one of his loved ones!'

And with that a Special Elite force made up of 100 Holy Knights got established named 'White Knights'

And between such commotion klaus 'I was thinking of whom to give the Cards that will promote mine Organisation, giving to Emperor and Pope was a good decision, right?'

Meaning he didn't have such noble thoughts as they were imagining and just gave them to promote his Business. Next day at academy the students were lined up in front of 10 large carriages and a old teacher came with a list

"Now students! These are special carriages made by Golden Turtle Organisation and despite from outside look they are 10 times spacious from inside because of space magic! Now come according to your names!"

Everyone once again turned to Klaus with stary eyes and Reus suddenly asked "But these carriages should be expensive right teacher? How did you afford it?"

'Reus doesn't have any bad intention he just naturally talks in a way peoples get hurt' was klaus's thought and teacher replied

"Yes they are very expensive but these carriages are being used with rent, so we just borrowed it not bought it! But it will good if it was given as donation for the students ..."

As he said he looked towards klaus, but klaus just smiled, everyone understood what will happen next and avoided meeting eyes with the teacher, klaus came forward and said

"Each carriage costs 800 gold coins and combined it costs 8 platinum coins, even church doesn't get this much donation, The total rent alone is 800 gold coins and I'm only taking 400 gold coins. I'm already the biggest donator of this Academy and donate 1 platinum coin per month and I already have made many more schools and hospitals for peoples, and how much did you donated in your whole life, teacher? I bet it's not more than what I donate on daily basis"

As klaus said that everyone present there was holding their laughter and the teacher's face turned red as he avoided the gaze of klaus and announced the names of students and left.

After he left all peoples started laughing and Anna came to klaus and said "you are really merciless klaus aren't you, ha?"

Hearing this klaus laughed and said "haha well it just happened" Klaus and his friends were on same carriage, carriage was like a bus with beds, everyone was amazed by these carriages and was excited, and so the trip began