Next day, Klaus all students of the Academy were sitting on the hall, and today was awarding ceremony, during this time all students who have made some of achievements and ranked in the classes are rewarded.

All students and their Gaurdians were present, the hall was huge and it was possible for all of them to stand there. Klaus was also sitting in front seat along with Reus and others. He was the centre of attention but he had serious face

'A lot of peoples are present here, perfect for devil who needs more souls to sacrifice, I have researched with system and it seems like I can use Tears of stars in another way!'

'Grim voices' Klaus thought and his earrings shined for a second and then went back to normal, no one noticed that, and now Klaus was able to sense all peoples present there, if a devil or any suspicious person appeared he will be able to know about it immediately.

'The devil can come any second now!' Klaus was thinking all this then suddenly a teacher went on stage and started speaking "I welcome you all in awarding ceremony of this year. The students will be awarded for their achievements this year! Now please welcome 6th year student Rinse Smithfield as winner of magical device making competition! "

"Clap clap clap!!"

And like this many students went on stage and received awards and now it was turn of 1st year students,

"Now for 1st year students, please welcome Klaus de Whiteblood, Reus Ragnar, Yumiko Sakurachi, Sams Ridens, Ariana Grande, Anna Broadens, Bobbie Bryan and Brian Clark on stage."


"Klaus de Whiteblood ,Reus Ragnar, Yumiko Sakurachi, Sam Ridens, Ariana Grande, Anna Broadens, Brian Clark, Bobbie Bryan has won Inter School tournament! and Reus Ragnar, Yumiko Sakurachi, Sam Ridens, Ariana Grande, Anna Broadens has become Tier 2 as only first years and reached top 10 ranking,

While Klaus de Whiteblood has achieved Tier 3, and slayed one of 7 devils of Evil God along with many cultists, He has also achieved the title of Magic Swordsman and the Saint, many of his rewards have been put on hold till he reaches age of 15 and now he is awarded with greatest award of Academy, 'the Genesis Sword'! it is one of sword used by Legendary Hero, a Unique Grade Artifact"


The audience cheered for Klaus and because Devil hasn't appeared till now, Klaus had also let his guard down and he went towards the teacher to receive the sword. Klaus extended his both hands to receive the sword. and teacher said

"Good work Klaus de Whiteblood for.... BEING ALIVE TILL NOW, AND NOW YOU CAN DIE HERE!!!"

As she said her voice started to change and the sword which she was holding, she striked with sword towards Klaus, Klaus immediately took out Nanadaka and blocked the sword but he was pushed back for about 30 Metres.

"Well done blocking the sword!" the teacher who attacked Klaus said and suddenly her body started to change and a female devil of about 3 Metres long floated on her space,

"But I'm not an idiot to go easy on my enemy! My name is GREED, the 6th servent of EVIL GOD! NOW, DIE YOU BASTARD!


As she said many reddish black chains appeared from air and captured Klaus, and many red circles appeared in air and various small red human shaped creatures with red horns appeared.

Klaus has now understood the situation and shouted "Evacuate the civilians and peoples above tier 6 help here! Ashia, Ain kill those lower devils! I will handle this Devil!"

As klaus said that many peoples ran towards the doors of the hall and 50 figures along with Ain and Ashia appeared in hall. About 40 peoples who were above tier 6 remained in hall.

"Hey gates aren't opening!"

"What's happening, the doors are sealed with magic!"

"Help me! Please!"

"Oh god! please have mercy on me! PLEASE"

Devil seeing this grinned "You can't even escape from chains, yet you dare talk about slaying me? How did envy lose to likes of you? You all should just..."

She was about to say more but then suddenly the chains binding Klaus started melting and Klaus said "From last time when you guys attacked me, I have made many plans to handle you bitches








And Klaus activated all of his cards at once and all the lower devils including Greed got suppressed by at 25 levels. And Klaus's hairs and eyes glowed golden light. Whole room glowed in golden light and the magic at doors got broken and all civilians escaped.

Seeing this Devil smirked and said "As expected of someone who can slay Envy! For you to even collect Divine Artifacts and use such strong magic and techniques, but don't think you are only one with treasures.

Attack the humans and kill them!


As she said that all lower devils immediately launched at peoples present there like missiles and and reddish black chains binded at chest of all peoples and suppressed their Tier by one.

'As expected, it is a powerful artifact, I should have bought more peoples here! With only this many peoples how Am I going to defeat her, her artifact won't work on me as I have Blessings but what about others?'

As klaus was thinking that the gates of hall opened and many knights in pure white and pitch black armour entered the hall, followed by Amelia Stevens who was wearing a huge hood and a silvery purple staff.

Two knights in Black and White armour came in front and shouted

"We Angel's Wing Holy Knight Order are here to help SAINT!!!"

"We Dark Wings Imperial Knight Order are here to help Sir Magic Swordsman!!!"

And seeing them Klaus's smile widened and he released all of his divine aura at once, it was a terrifying amount of pressure and shouted "Kill the Devils!!!"

And with that Klaus's sword which had turned into Chakra got launched at the Devil, She gritted her teeth and shouted "Damn human bitches!!! "

And with that many rings appeared on her fingers, all looked very evil and now her strength was about Tier 8 and klaus's strength was about Intermediate Tier 5

And both sides launched into each other, White armoured Knights used spear and shield, while Dark armoured Knights used swords and some used small daggers with it. The 50 Knights that came with Ashia and Ains were the Knights of Whiteblood family and all of them were above Tier 8 and lower devils were about Tier 5 but there were thousands of them.

The Klaus's Chakra was continuously damaged the Devil and ignored her magical defense, but damage was too low, and she smirked and rushed towards Klaus, Klaus saw this smirked he also rushed towards the Devil and materialised his holy aura into a sword.

When both side clashed a huge dust covered the place, and Klaus shouted "Now launch!" And and various golden swords along with some elements mixed in them falled from above like rainfall towards the devils.

Many devils died and turned into dust but Greed Devil was standing there unharmed 'as expected it's too low of a damage!' Klaus thought and retreated few steps back.

Then suddenly a figure appeared behind his face and said "Is that all? Devil Slayer can do?"