Klaus escaped and moved towards the special guests, that were representatives of various countries,

"Thank you for coming in today's party Mr. Slugtongue from Beast kingdom, how do you do? Are you enjoying?" Klaus greeted a beastmen who was eating on his tables, the beastmen with ears of leopard glaced to Klaus and stood up and said "It's nothing sir Klaus, the food here is best I have eaten till now, hahaha it's too good..."

Klaus had some conversation with him and moved towards the other representatives of elves and demons, he greeted them with respect and dignity and left, the representative of demons was more respectfull towards Klaus as he was murmuring "truly worth of title of Duke, this dignity and strength,as expected..."

Klaus shivered as he felt the gazes of Demons and ignored them and greeted others, and moved towards the peoples of Golden Turtle Organisation in the corner,

Klaus greeted Isis and Robert who had grown a lot taller along with other kids he recruited from slums and some important figures of the Organisation

"Oh Isis good job bringing them here! You guys enjoy all you want while you can because I will work you to bones in few days" Klaus said that to the peoples he recruited from slums and others with grin

"It's nothing sir, i just followed your orders!" Isis replied with slight happy face

"Don't worry Young Master we will definitely work well, you have took care of us all these years and even provided such life and saved my brothers and sisters from slums, we will work till we die" Robert replied with confident face, he has become tier 5 in 3 years, he wasn't as talented as Klaus but his talent was comparable to Reus, at first Klaus was surprised but now he was used to it,

"Where is your sister?" Klaus asked and looked around in group, " I'm here Young Master!" Suddenly a black beast eared girl appeared from behind Robert's back with cheerful face and chubby cheeks

As she appeared Klaus immediately pinched her cheeks and said "Wow even pig doesn't get fat this fast, are you sure you are cat and not some sloth?"

Klaus said in joking tome, to which the girl replied in annoyed and cold tone "Lumina isn't fat, I'm fit and fine, you are fat and ugly"

Klaus decided to tease more and said "Should I reduce your pocket money and put you in diet hm~?"

Hearing this Luna panicked and shouted "No No No! Klaus is cool and handsome, I'm fat please don't cut my pocket money" hearing this all of them laughed at her and after sometime Klaus left towards Emperor...

After he came in front of Emperor he saw the Emperor whose face was similar to his father and beautiful Empress, along with prince and princess, he bended little and said "I thank the Sun of Empire for giving me honour by attending this party despite your busy schedule, I also thank the beautiful Empress and prince and princess for attending the party!"

Klaus said that in one breath in respectfull tone, he was in public so he addressed them in official way and didn't called them uncle or aunt, the prince and princess were about 18 or 20, they were amazed and shocked by Klaus who didn't felt pressured in presence of Emperor on his first meeting,

"Well it's all good, it is no trouble to attend such important meeting, although attending this party would have been difficult but with your achievements it was easy for me to attend the birthday party of my nephew, you look so much like Big brother "

"Yes dear, Klaus also looks like his mother no? He has smooth skin that makes every women envious and strong built that makes every men envious, he's too good 😊!"

Empress also remarked, Klaus smiled and replied "Well it is nothing too good, I'm just lucky to be born in Whiteblood family!"

After that Klaus talked with them for sometime in smooth manner and then left towards Pope and peoples from church, prince and princess woke up from their daze and said " He is so smooth and cool, looks like Arwin and Sarah weren't just bragging, even i felt pressured in his presence"

Prince commented after Klaus said, Emperor made interested face and said "I also felt a slight superior aura, looks like he is trying his best to restrain his aura but it is still not enought to remove his presence completely, as expected of Magic Swordsman and Saint!"

As he said all of them nodded in understanding and made envious faces, prince and princess has face of fans and admired his back,

Klaus came in front of Pope and others, seeing Klaus in front of them all of them stood up and bowed in unison, "We greet the God's representative Saint!" Klaus was startled but he still maintained his poker face and said "Well don't be so formal guys, we are in party, enjoy yourself! Ask me if there is any problem,!"

Klaus talked to them, all of the peoples from church had fanatic faces and pope was even drooling slightly, they had some conversation and then suddenly an archbishop said "well it seems like church needa to do some work, it seems like negative mana is coming towards the capital these days and..."

As he was saying that Pope glared at him and he immediately quoted down, Klaus hearing this thought 'it already started, it should be after 2 more years later, but I have found a permanent solution for that, and it seems like now is perfect time "Well I can help with that!"

Klaus said that and he moved towards an open area in some distance and summoned his space plate, he rode on it and floated in sky above the Mansion, it was full moon and Klaus's figure shined brightly in Moon light, all the guests in party moved there and saw Klaus's figure,

Klaus moved his hands upwards and a huge circle formed in silvery and golden light, and a 4 pairs of silvery angel wings formed behind Klaus's back and the surrounding got filled with holy aura, and a sudden pressure appeared in the whole area,

"What is going on with sudden pressure?"

" Hey! His aura is more pure than the Pope of Church and that pure holiness..."

"Is Saint creating another miracle?"

"He grew wings of Arch angels, and that circle, it looks like a new spell!"

As nobles and guests were speaking all this a sudden voice of Pope silenced whole place " It's a divine spell and it is a Supreme rank, Amazing! As expected of kind Saint, he is purifying the Capital from upcoming evil Misama"

As she said that Klaus released the Spell...


As the spell was released the circle became big enought to cover whole Capital and covered it in Golden silvery light with Klaus as the centre.

Pope commented towards the Emperor "Be honoured, you just got the jackpot and biggest gift of your life, it seems like the spell also has healing effect so it will not only protect the capital from the cultist and evil powers but also heal all injured present in Capital"

She said in cold tone but Emperor didn't got angry and nodded and said " We really hit jackpot!"

That night the whole Capital got in uproar, peoples came out of their houses and looked towards Klaus who was floating in air, all the peoples who had any kind of disease got cured, those who have lost their organs regenerated them, blind were now able to see, deaf were able to hear, and many miracles appeared in the Capital, the adventures guild was happiest because many them recovered from their previous injuries and their respect towards Klaus sky rocketed.

After that Klaus landed to ground and he had almost depleted all his mana, just because of Blessings he had and divine artifacts he was able to perform the spell and after that the party ended in some hours and next day Klaus went towards Adventures Guild to start another Myth!