Klaus went directly to his room after some food and took a bath and changed to normal clothings that weren't normal from any angle

And he fell on his bed like wood log, The fairies had eaten more than 5 burgers each, the people who saw it, it looked like Klaus was the one eating them,

Adventures usually ate a lot of food but Klaus who looked very young and didn't had burly figure it looked very weird for him to eat all burgers like that

Klaus somehow endured all the gazes and arrived at his room and now he was looking at the fairies with wierd look on his face

'With a small bodies like that just how were they able to eat 5 burgers triple their body sizes isn't there absorption capacity too high but what about the waste? ... ugh forget it just what am I thinking like a jobless person!'

Klaus saw all three fairies lying on his chest with full stomachs that looked like balloons about to burst out

Seeing this Klaus smiled but suddenly a thought came to his mind ' Oh yeah there was another sound that came to mind but I ignored it as I was too busy thinking, System! '

[Host has gained another new title '13th Ruler of Authority'and 'Deity of Divine Play']

[ Host's current title 'Bender of Destiny' evolved to 'One Beyond Destiny']

'Oh those are some cool looking titles I have there, fucking awesome!' Klaus closed his system panel and looked at the ceiling of his room and thought

' With this I can accelerate my plan of taking out the Guildmaster of this branch, no! traitor will be more appropriate, I hate those smart bitchy ass villains who scheme and when they loose they show that pathetic fanatic faces

Now taking out that bitch will easy as hell if I'm not wrong the swarm of monsters will be attacking the city of Rosario in a week,

The city lord here is also trash, he is completely under the cult and won't help the citizens here and majority of peoples will die here

And remaining will be in very troubled condition, the drama makers made it just to make audience sympathise with them and for Reus to get more benifits upon hunting monsters

Even Merie lost her right eyes during this monster attack but she was later healed by the elixir that Reus had

Honestly that kid isn't bad but his heart is just too one sided, but now that I'm here I will protect everyone from swarm and also increase my reputation among the peoples as 'A rank Adventurer Klaus'

and after this I will gain some ground in here and then it's beginning of Cultist hunt festival for me!'

Klaus grinned on his last thoughts 'but I'm too tired for now, that difficulty mode was just to much in top of that the pain of gaining authority is still here' next moment he closed his eyes and slept like a horse whole night

Next day Klaus woke up, the Fairies were still sleeping beside him, Klaus carefully went to washroom and after freshing up he equipped his suit

Till then even fairies had woken up and after all of them got fresh they made their way towards the hall for breakfast

Brock saw Klaus and Merie had just left for school, with a signal Klaus ordered his food and after eating his food Klaus made his way to the Adventures Guild

"Sania, take these things and register it, I will be going there again!" Klaus went to Sania's table and simply putted the drops from the slimes and undead he fought in 1st to 6th floor and 11 th to 16th floor,

these drops were from ordinary, elite, and lord tier slimes and undeads, the highest one was about Tier 5, Klaus didn't pulled out drops of monsters in 7th floor to 10 th floor and 17 th floor or above

As it was simply impossible to fight monsters above tier 5 in floor below 20 but even then the drops Klaus took out shocked all the adventures and staff there

Sonia since the day she arrived here she instantly become popular because cultured mens know why, so let's skip that

she was surrounded by peoples around her and her every action was noticed by others so when Klaus suddenly took out a bag with huge pile of monster drops like that it was very surprising for them

Everyone knew about Klaus even when it was only his second day here, but because of his handsome face reveal in the inn and the stories about him being solo adventurer and fastest to reach A rank made him very famous

So it was very easy for them to know that Klaus had hunted all these monsters alone in the Tower and not just one floor but according the drop present there he had already hunted monsters upto 20 th floor and that was only in one day no! just 7 hours

Sonia was now used to absurd things Klaus did so she just smiled and took Klaus's card and the drops and after dinner simple procedures Klaus got money transferred in his card

"The money has been transferred to the card! Thank you for your services!"

The A rank or above adventurers have one more function in thier cards, their card can be used like credit cards from Klaus's previous world, Klaus felt it very useful and he made his way to the Giant Tower

This exchange, Klaus purposefully choosed to do it at that time as it was busiest time in the adventurers guild when all adventurers enter here to take quest and many come here to put quest

Klaus gained lot of attention with his action just now, making it to 20 th floor in just 7 hours wasn't done by anyone yet even with a party

Even the top tier parties with bunch of S rank adventures took whole day to reach 20th floor in a day but Klaus destroyed all the records by reaching it in just 7 hours

But what Klaus cleared was not an ordinary tower but on highest difficulty, if it was ordinary tower Klaus would have already reached 60th floor by now

Adventures party need to rest to recover stamina and mana of each member after every fight because healers and mages are slow whole party had to slow down but

For Klaus he was whole party by himself fast as Assassin, strong and sharp as meelee damage dealer, magic stronger than any mage and healing faster than any mage

His mana and stamina recovered faster and even with tiny amount of mana he was capable of causing absurd damages

And on top of that he actually used fairies to clear many path, so it wasn't the race of strength but speed and brain

After Klaus left the guild a commotion broke out and every one began to discuss about Klaus

" The fuck!? Isn't he only A rank?"

" What's with his speed, it's like he is marching whole army inside tower!!"

" How can his combat power be so strong!"

" He is just too strong damn!"

Klaus's reputation rose crazily over last few days but on the other hand Klaus was once again inside the Tower

[Please choose the floor you want to enter that you are eligible to go to]

'21st floor!'

Klaus was transferred to 21st floor, this floor unlike other floors was far wider and the path looked like huge tunnel

'Smell of blood and this damned smell of bones, definitely floor of beasts!'

Just as Klaus arrived he got ambushed but pack of 17 wolves but Klaus was no newbie, he immediately took out his sword and with 17 slashes 17 heads fell on the ground

"Let's go we have to reach 50th floor in a week!"


"Then extra food right?"

" I wanna try those triangle chips and cola!"