'The fuck just happened!?'

Klaus why was lying on the ground with his face facing the worried Fairies though as he heard voice of his level up and certain someone's blessing

'That person ain't only certain someone ya shit!'


'Ahem... nothing please continue!'

So anyways, Klaus immediately sat on the ground and started searching system

'Level up is good, I can finally use a Spirit king summoning scroll, but before that did I heard it right? System!!!'

[Yes Host!]

'Why do you look more intelligent? Anyways open my status and explain about the new things I got!'


Name_ Klaus de Whiteblood

Age_15 year old

Race_ Celestial

Job_ The Endless Lord (Tier ???)

Sub job_ _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _.

Tier_6 LVL_61

HP_ 686500 MP_122074600

STR_ 423 STA_ 450

AGI_ 500 INT_ 1,000,584


Remaining Stat Point _ 0

Trait_ Mentality of God, The Supreme

??? Blessing_ Supreme Being Shri Krishna

Supreme blessings_ Absolute God of Creation, Goddess of life, God of death, God of war, Goddess of magic, God of business, God of time and space

Elements_ Fire, water, Wind, Earth, Light, Dark, Life, Death, Space, Time, Creation, Holy, Null(locked), Illusion (New!)

Title_ The only true friend of creation God , Reincarnator, Omnipotent God (Half sealed) God's descendent, Magic Swordsman, Evil Slayer, Charmer, 3rd child of Whitebloods, Devil Slayer, Saint, Hero, The one who saw One above all, Demi God, 9th Celestial, The witness of supreme truth, Deity of Divine Play, One Beyond Destiny, Ruler of 13th Authority, Beyonder Slayer, Holder of Beyond, Loved by the Supreme...]

Storage_ Nanadaka, Surya kavach, Spirit King summoning scroll, Magic of travel, The hammer of creation, etc]

[Beyonder Slayer_ Title given to person who has killed a being above Tier 9 for first time, One with this title can exert 'fear' on beings above Tier 9 until he reaches Tier 10]

[ Holder of Beyond_ Title given to person who has acquired the artifacts or job above Tier ???

Effect_ Great respect among every being in existence,

_As a ruler your subordinates will always be loyal to you]

[ Loved by the Supreme_ Title given to being who has recieved the blessing of The Supreme Being in existence

Effect_ The being who has hostility towards you for no good reason will have effect of 'Pot of Sins' applied to him

When the Sins he commits reach a certain level he will die because of any natural crisis or by any other being]

[Eye of Primordial Craftsman

Type_ Spiritual Eye

Grade_ Unique

1. Host is able see weak spots of anything

2. Able to 'Analysis' to know method of production ones a day of anything

3. Indestructible and unique in existence]

[ Hammer of creation_

Type_ Crafting Hammer

Grade_ Mythical

1. Gain +1000% expertise during use

2. Can be used to create any type of artifact

3. Can use 'Rachna' once a day to increase grade of material below Myth grade

4. Gains 'Expertise of Legendary Creator' on first time use

5. Can be upgraded to Divine rank upon creating 10,000 Artifacts

Note_ Needs 'Creation' element for use]

[ The Endless Lord (Tier ???)

A job especially made for Klaus de Whiteblood by the Supreme Being and 7 Gods of this world

Condition for receiving the job_

1. Host must be Klaus de Whiteblood

2. Reach 50th floor of Giant tower in ??? difficulty with help of System

3. Must be Tier 6

Job skills

1. Can resurrect 12 beings at a time in form of 'Avatar', the resurrected beings will be at peak before death and be unconditionally loyal to host

2. Gain double stat points on every level due to effect of passive skill 'Rise'

3. Can gain other 10 jobs as sub jobs because of effect of passive skill 'Omnipotent'

4. Mastery over every thing increased by 1000% because of effect of passive skill 'I'm the Omnipotent God'

5. There will be change in nature according to the mood of host because of passive skill 'One with Nature'

6. Intelligence stat had been increased by 10 million due to awakening of 'Kundalini' because of effect of skill '7 stars of true Origin'







'Fucking cheats! No complains with this I can be lord which I was most worried about and even my worries about equipment for my subordinates is solved!

And just look at those shiny new option here ...'

Just as Klaus was about to say more but

[All the requirement are met...]

[The Blessings of all Gods and Supreme Being is acquired...]


{You have gained new title 'The one loved by Existence'}

[The new requirements are met....]

[New System branches have been installed]

[New System branch 'Store', and 'Ruler of Citizen's heart' been added]

[System will be now be in sleep mode for 1 hour for it's upgrade]

'Ok fuck it, now I feel pity for that Evil God, Just how much anger Gods have towards him!'

[ ... and please prepare for the impact]

Just as Klaus was thinking that a reminder from the system came as if system had just forgot to remind Klaus

'Deja vú!'

Just as Klaus thought, his body immediatly straightened his back and he sat on lotus position and just then

A red small ball of light glowed up inside his body near the bottom of his last vertebrae

Klaus was not thinking straight now and was already lost in thoughts inside his mind as new information was constantly being installed inside his mind

Then a orange ball near his waist, followed by yellow ball at bottom of chest then green ball at his chest

Then came sky blue ball at his throat, dark blue at his head and then a purple ball at absolute top of his head

The whole place around Klaus was now turned pitch black and only those 7 balls glowed and Klaus's body was like dark space filled with small stars

Klaus just sat in that position like that for 6 hours straight without even moving a inch

The Fairies were very worried about Klaus and wanted to wake him up by shaking him or by use of magic

But all of this was useless as Klaus's full body was surrounded in a Spiritual energy,

As fairies tried to come near him the Spiritual Energy covered Klaus like Invincible Shield not allowing a shred of mana or Fairies coming near him

After 6 hours like that Klaus woke up

'Just what's happening!?' Klaus didn't had words describe himself as he just opened his eyes and felt his body being the same yet changed

Klaus opened his eyes and saw the Fairies sitting at corner with worried gazes, as Klaus opened his eyes the Fairies immediately came to him

"Just what were doing Klaus!!!!"

"You can't tell how worried we were!"

"Just what happened?"

Klaus was able to sense the anger and worry the fairies had for him he immediately stood up and said

" Even I don't know, it seems like I got some skill because of the job I just recieved!"

"You got job!?"

"What job is it?"

"When did this happened!?"

Klaus was bombarded with many questions from fairies, Klaus answered the questions one by one but not completely true

"Well after killing this Cyclops right here, the job is really awesome, it's a Tier 9 job with 9 skills!"

The fairies were absolutely amazed and the worry and anger they had got washed away and in excitement they asked

"How did you do that?"

"What were the requirements!?"

"I haven't even heard of any one with Mythical job yet you got Divine Job already"

Klaus scratched his head and answered "Well it turned out that way, it seems to be related to Gods well anyways let's return, it seems quite the time has passed here!"

Klaus said and he got up the fairies kept asking things but he ignored them

'System, you there?'

[Yes! I'm here!]

'Wow did you gain conciseness system?'

[Yeah! After the evolution I got my consciousness and now I'm overall 100 times better]

'Then can you materialised yourself but none except me can see you?'

[I'm now capable of such thing now, but you haven't seen the functions of your new title now do you want to see that?]

'Seriously you became lot capable but I still remember about that, anyways show me!'

[Omnipotent God_(half sealed)(equipped)

The title is gift from God Nexus who transferred you here, it's in half sealed state for your protection

Effects_ Experience × 2

_ + 200 to all stats

_ Talent towards all things increased by 1000%

_Attack and Defense increased by 200% (sealed)

_ Can resurrect once a day(sealed)

'Fuck it!'

[That's what I said!]


Klaus immediatly jumped as he saw new figure suddenly appearing in from of his eyes

[What are you surprised about? didn't you said to be materialise so that only you can see me?]


Klaus immediately covered his mouth as he noticed the Fairies watching him like he had gone crazy

Klaus calmed down and looked at the figure in front of him, the figure in front of him was small as fairies and looked like Klaus in childhood, but he had blue hairs with blue tshirt and shorts


[Then who?]

'You look quite good!'

[As always!]

Klaus noticed gazes of fairies getting more stronger and immediatly said "Looks like I'm too tired let's go home!"

With that Klaus somehow trying to ignore weird gazes the Fairies were giving arrived at the inn