The dragon's white face was injured and red flesh and blood were visible from outside

His grey scales made the injury more clear and the blood was constantly leaking from corner of his mouth


The dragon roared in sky, the roar was so powerful that all the clouds in sky in radius of 5 kilometres disappeared

The ground below was trembling non stop, the whole city of Rosario was facing earthquake right now

The people who were standing in height caught something to avoid the fall

"Just what is with his power...???"

"How can something so powerful come here?"

"Ugh .. it's getting hard to breathe!"

"This pressure, what's with this pressure!!?"

"Damn it's so scary!!"

"Why is today so damn bad!?"

The peoples below in City were trembling and crouching to ground covering their heads as the dragon roared

Suddenly a pressure of Dragon's aura appered making even Klaus and Seraphim little shocked

'The evil aura!? Did this dragon made a contract with Devil God???' Klaus thought full of surprise

"''Shall I help?""

Suddenly a voice came to Klaus's mind,

'"'Seraphim? You know telepathy?''"

""Yeah! Anyways shall I help?""

""No need, I just wanted to give them hero but it looks like the hero they will be getting is not ordinary one""

Klaus replied with telepathy and just then the system's voice responded

[An Evil Dragon is detected...]

[Condition has been analysed...]

[The evil dragon has temporarily lost his ability to use magic above Tier 6 because draconic magic requires tongue]

[The evil dragon has gone to 'berserk state' due to immense pain and rage]

[The evil dragon's has lost his reasoning, HP is lowered to 20% and overall stats have been increased by 50%]

[Evil dragon's new combat strength is intermidiate Tier 10]

[Please be cautious!!!]

'Even Apollo is giving warnings! Looks like matter got serious here! No time to hold back, it will be enough for a show right?'

[More than enough!]

'Then let's end this!!!'

Tier 9 Swordsmanship Technique ... Life Sword of Death!

Klaus's sword got covered in light green and blue aura, this aura had element of Life in it and was natural predator of death and Evil element

The element like Life and death couldn't be seen by ordinary people and only oldest generation or just be born kid was able to see such element

Either those who are close to death or who just came to life were able to sense such elements

The dragon right now was completely covered in dark violet aura while Klaus was covered in white green aura

The dragon's eyes were glowing in crimson colour while Klaus's eyes were releasing red and green aura

Both sides were densely covered in aura, the dragon's aura was making people below hard to breathe that's why Klaus released his aura to counter death element

And then the dragon rushed at Klaus, his scales were also slight violet now and grey colour had turned very dark

Dragon's speed was now considerably stronger as it rushed towards Klaus trying to tear Klaus's body in pieces

But Klaus moved at right time avoiding the Dragon's sharp teeths but then Dragon attacked Klaus with his tail

But Klaus had already predicted the movement and he moved higher put his sword in front of him

The dragon's tail striked with Klaus's sword but wasn't able to do much damaged and Klaus was just pushed few metres back in air

As Klaus just dodged the dragon's both attacks the dragon once again rushed towards Klaus, but he was still able to use small magics

The dragon launched 100s of small dark violet balls towards Klaus, each ball was made up of Tier 5 Magic

'He had lost his reasoning but it's still capable of using magic? He can use magic with just reflexes!?'

Klaus was surprised seeing dragon use magic in Berserk state, magic required concentration but dragon was able to use it with just reflexes and instincts

Tier 8 Swordsmanship Technique ... Swift sword!

But despite the surprise Klaus was able to slash slash all the balls into two with his sword making the attack useless

And followed by dragon's attack the dragon himself appered in front of Klaus in just a second

The dragon opened his mouth trying to bite Klaus but Klaus reflexively dodged the attack as he flew much higher

Dragon's rage was now at its peak and he launched hundread of dark spear towards Klaus and started burning his HP for stronger attack

'He really had lost all his reasoning!!'

Klaus thought while dodging and parring the spears thrown at him, the spears were coming at him continuously like bullets

And just as Klaus finished avoiding the attacks a system notification rang about extreme danger he is about to face

[Detected that Evil Dragon had burned his life force...]

[His HP had gone below 1%...]

[Dragon is preparing for his strongest attack...]

[Please get ready for the attack cause you are unable to dodge now]

'Fuck! A Dragon is a dragon no matter how he is and who he is! I should have finished him off earlier!!'

Klaus cursed himself in his thoughts and started preparing for the defense

And then the dragon materialised his attack and Klaus saw an extremely huge magic circle with one big and three small circles mixed in it in purple, violet and dark colour

'The fuck is that!?'

[From the analysis it looks like Tier 10 ancient Draconic Magic, let's meet in next life host...]

'I bet you are my far more worse enemy than even the Devil God!'

As Klaus was thinking that the a small beam went towards Klaus and after it was only 50 meters away it expanded like a net covering Klaus like ball with 50 metre radius

'There is no air here!? but more than that how can I still breath!???'

After the attack Klaus stopped feeling the presence of air in his surrounding and instead of that it felt like his body has been sent to vacuum in space

His whole body was now feeling the force capable of tearing apart strongest mountains like papers but he wasn't much effected except for feeling like vomiting

[The host has been sealed into different Space or can be said as different dimension]

[Your physical contact from the world has been cut off]

[And a 'celestial' doesn't need to breath]

The last line was sarcastic but Klaus paid no mind as a grin appered on cold eyes

'You send me in different space? What an idiot!!'

Klaus thought that and immediately mana inside his body got released then

Tier 9 Magic Swordsmanship Technique ... Space shatter!

The space element mana got mixed with aura of Klaus densely and after that Klaus slashed in empty space with full strength

After a second many cracks appered in the surrounding and space inside shattered like a mirror and Klaus appered in outside world

He had sight smile on his face, the dragon on the another hand stood in space as is soul has left his body

The dragon once again had gained his reasoning because his HP was too low to maintain Breaker State and his scales have returned to light grey

He was looking at Klaus with horrified gaze, same reaction can be seen in some distance in face of branch guild master Rudy

'Just how the fuck can such unreasonable being exist in the world? He is toying with dragon now? How is such thing exist?

But I still have chance, after fighting dragon he must be exhausted and then I can kill him with surprise and after that Cultists will kill the remaining bugs '


He laughed like a maniac and then looked at Klaus with blood thirsty eyes

Klaus on the another hand was now looking at dragon with predator eyes, the dragon sensed the danger he was about to face and tried to escape

'This human is not normal, is he human form of another Dragon sent here to kill me? I have been framed here, it was a trap...

I will definately return and take my revenge! I will slaughter this cit...'

He was just thinking but Klaus had already made his move

Tier 9 Swordsmanship Technique ... Last Blade from Heavens!

Klaus rushed towards the dragon revolved in air with his wings trying to gain more speed and swiftness

And just in few seconds he caught up to dragon and with his revolving Sword in his hands he slashed through dragon's throat

The dragon's all defenses were now at their lowest, his scales were destroyed and all his stats were decreased by 60% as after effects of Berserk State

Klaus easily cutted his neck and dragon landed in the forest like crashed plane making a straight path of 400 metres

His head was also crashed in some distance, Klaus landed slowly in some distance and his wings turned into light and disappered

As he landed in the ground his feets gave out and he fell in the ground, Klaus was fighting continuously for 5 hours

Obviously very fatigued, and then a figure came to his support ...

"Are you ok?"