"Hey Klaus are you really okay?"

"Have you recovered...?"

"Is you body feeling fine throught..."

"If you need money you can ask us"

"Yeah! We can do this much!"

"Of course you should just ask if you need any help!"

Klaus returned after sending Hughes and others back to Capital and explained others about his ability to fly as an artifact

And his strength as luck and temporary boost that takes huge toll on his body and

Klaus was right now surrounded by the adventurers inside the adventurers guild, every one was worried

They have seen Klaus fight dragon and bring seriously injured and if the holy Knights didn't arrived at time it would have been big trouble...

Or so they thought, Klaus right now was totally fine or rather he was more worried about being treated like a kid by others

'They treating me like a chick who hasn't learned to fly'

Klaus helplessly answered "You guys don't need to worry about me, the knights gave me a elixir before they left, I'm totally fine now

And I have lot of savings for such occasions don't worry to much"

Adventure made thoughtful face and looked at young and shiny cheeks of Klaus which was brimming with energy

"Well considering your achivements..."

"But still you need to rest too..."

"Yeah... you can rest few more days!"

"Hmm, you are still young be careful!"

"Yeah, try to be more careful.."

Like that after some minutes all the adventurers left to their works, and Klaus also made his way towards Sania

"Ho Klaus! Don't you think you are getting too much attention?"


"Even when they can't see us, it feels quite nervous"

Klaus replied to fairies under his mask "Well it will be more weird not attract attention after fighting a Dragon "

Klaus then questioned after arriving at Sania's reception "Hmm, how have you been, are you ok?"

Sania looked like she has not slept for days with big dark circles on her eyes and skinny face

And she was covered in papers, she was actually taking care of all the paper works left after the series of accidents

"I'm not fine at all... they just won't even let me rest... saying I'm senior and can handle it... those guys are so cruel leaving all hard work in me...

I'm so sleepy but they won't let me sleep... I'm tried as hell ... I wanna sleep.... damn this cursed job... should I just resign...?

But anyways what can I do for you?"

Sania was senior member of adventurers guild and in absence of higher ranking members she had all the responsibilities

Of all the paper works here, she was busy with works and reports related monster stampede, Cultists attacks, cultist bases, and then Dragon that came out of nowhere

"Haha, looks like you are tired too, I just came here to report that I will be going to Giant Tower for some weeks... and let me give you a little hand"

Tier 6 Mind Magic ... Psychological recovery!

Tier 7 Mind Magic ... Mind Boost!

Tier 4 Holy Magic ... Recovery boost!

"What do you mean you are going to Giant Tower, you are injured...!

What!? My fatigue? Is this the lege..!? I mean I wanted to offer you a lemonade! haha 😶"

Sania got surprised because in her thoughts even if Klaus was strong she didn't imagined him to be so strong to be still fine after fighting a Dragon

But next moment she felt her fatigue fading away and recovering to top condition both mentally and physically

and she looked at Klaus with surprise and just as she was about to blurt out about holy magic she composed herself

And took out a glass of lemonade and put it in front of Klaus, Klaus smiled and took the glass and was about to leave but just then

"Oh! And I was about to forget again! The headquarters have approved of it and

Congratulations Klaus! For being fastest SS rank adventurer in history and becoming one at only 4 months after registering!"

The room turned silent as Sania announced Klaus's new rank

{You have made Legendary achivement by becoming SS rank Adventurer in just 4 months!}

{Title 'Absurd Adventurer' and '10th SS rank Adventurer is granted!}

Klaus looked backwards and saw the platinum purple card with his name on it, Klaus slowly picked up the card

'Oh I thought it will take some time but I guess the adventurers guild is quite fast trying to rope me in as permanent Adventurer'

"Congrats Klaus! "

"Woah! Your ranking speed is absurd through!"

"You are amazing!"

"To think you will be SS rank this early!"

"You became 10th SS rank adventurer in world!?"

"It's amazing!"

The whole adventurer guild turned cheerful and congratulated Klaus on his progress, Klaus observed the card he just recived before thanking others

"Thank you guys for the support, haha I couldn't have done without you..."

(Name _ Klaus ???

Age _ ??

Job_ ???

Tier_ 6, level_ 61

Titles _ Dragon Slayer, Absurd Adventurer, 10th SS Rank Adventurer, Sword Prodigy, Charmer, ???, ???, ???

Completion rate _ 100% [1 SSS Rank, 12 SS rank, 45 S Rank, 184 A Rank, 264 B Rank, 168 C Rank, 1157 D rank, 3536...]

Rank _ SS <★★★★★★★>)

The card had hidden most of his important information as Klaus wanted but there was one thing that picked up Klaus's interest

'It looks like the monsters killed in the stampede and the Dragon is also counted as quests but...'

"What is this about 7 stars besides my rank? Is it done kind of code?"

"Oh that's special kind of ranking among the SS Rank adventurers, 7 stars means you are now 4th ranked in this world

And there are other 4 SS rank above you, as the number of stars increase your rank will also rise

The SS rank already shows the top grade adventurers so it's no use showing just strength so in this rank you can also use achivements for advancing ranks

With your achivements of Slaying Dragon and killing so many monsters in stampede you already rank 4th!"

'Sounds something amazing! but who are guys above me that have bigger achivements then Slaying Dragon?'

Klaus was puzzled over such thoughts and finally asked Sania "Do you know anything about the guys who rank above me?"

"Well every adventurer knows about them throught, anyways I will tell you, as 'I'm your special receptionist' afterall

The third ranked Adventurer is 'Raoul', he's titled 'Vengeance Spirit' a Tier 8 Assassin with Unique rank job,

it's rumoured that he used to work for an noble family but because nobles tried hurt his daughter he killed all the nobles and became adventurer here!

After then is 2nd ranked Adventurer, her name is 'Susan' and Tier 8 Giant Axe user, and Unique job holder, she can even kill Giant wyvern with just swing of her axe

It's rumoured she's beautiful too despite being Axe user and us role model of female adventures, she got title of 'Death flower'

And at the top comes 'Maximus' with title 'Lightning Sword' also a unique job holder, not much information is known about him

but one incident is known where he alone fought with 100 A rank adventurers and won easily without a scratch!"

Klaus made thoughtful face and thought 'It's same as the novel, I know about Maximus and Susan but never expected them to have so many achivements...'

"Ok, thankyou for that, now guys! Today's my treat but I won't be here for few days so just cut the money from my account!!!"


"Although it's a shame you aren't here..."

"But anyways let's enjoy ourself at noon!"

"Oooh! The party from Klaus!"

"Haha, I will drink a lot today!"

So adventurers cheered more and Klaus took the opportunity and secretly sneaked out of the guild making his way towards the Tower

"You guys are prepared right?"

"If course we are!"

"After so many days we finally get to fight together again!"

"Let's enjoy!!!"

Like that both Klaus and fairies entered Giant Tower unaware of myth they are about to make!