'Hey how high do think this island is floating?'

[From my analysis, we are about 13km above in sky!]

"Ho looks like this thing works just fine"

```Ofcourse you can trust me, My lord```

"I guess so, anyways Orion do you think you can materialise yourself in anyway? I can't bring myself to let my gaurd down to being I can't even see"

```Anything for you My Lord ```

Klaus right now was floating in sky above the island, Klaus was observing different islands with great interest

And just as Klaus asked Orion, a sudden moment appeared arround the atmosphere of Islands


[It seems like it's absorbing Spritual energy and mana to materialise it's body]

Just as Apollo made his statement a massive amount of mana and Spritual energy gathered at place, in front of Klaus

And in matter of seconds a figure of young man with slightly long green hairs and eyes, and looked around 20 in Butler's clothings appeared

∆Reference image in chapter comments∆

"Damn you look handsome Orion ~"

```Not as good as you Lord```

"Smooth talker with bad boy aura... I bet those girls will love it..."

Orion's face looked expressionless but it still had slight smile and shine in eyes, his whole body was giving an aura of retired delinquent, cause of his sharp eyes and bangs that covered his right eye

Klaus made thoughtful face looking at Orion's figure, and looked at him from all sides

[I bet, they will love it too...]

Apollo also commented and like that they talked about things in happy mood and after some time

"Apollo I think I can upgrade right now, do you think there will be any troubles here?"

[May be some storms, but overall it's a ok]

'Then let's upgrade!'

[Celestial title's last function is now activated...

Ascension to 'God' is now starting, please be ready for changes...]

And then at this moment the whole time and space stopped, the void separated and Klaus found himself between sea of stars

'Where is this...?'

Klaus looked around him but wasn't able to find anything or anyone

[Looks like the process is finished]

'Oh Apollo you are here, but what process I didn't felt anything?'

[Look at your body...]

'My body...!?'

Klaus looked at his hands, it looked like translucent fog, an Origin of unlimited light yet at same time bottomless darkness

His eyes were shining in white light and 15 spherical balls representing 15 elements Klaus had floated around Klaus like rings of Saturn

'It seems pretty darn cool...'

As Klaus thought that next moment he felt as if his consciousness is being sucked and he returned to his body and time and space turned normal

[Looks like time is up~]

'Yeah, it was nice scenery through...'

{You have awakened as a God, you obtained the title of 'True Immortal' and 'Awakened Celestial'}

Klaus sighed and looked the ground below him, the place around him was in total mess, as if someone has launched bomb on it

But it was also recovering at mind blowing speed and then looked at Orion and said

"... So Orion do you think you can still be in my contact even if I leave the island?"

```This can done, I don't need to talk through organs and I use telepathy for my communication, so as you are owner of all Islands I can contact you with no troubles```

"That saves my trouble, I have to go for now but I will be sending some guys here, help them and keep things in check"

```As you wish lord```

Tier 10 Space Magic ... Space Portal!

With this Klaus made a small portal of his size and returned from where he left

On top of waterfalls from where Klaus jumped, at some distance, some tents were set up and fairies, Elena and some assassins were playing cards

Arno was sitting on a tree looking totally carefree, his other subordinates were also hiding in surrounding

And just then a portal formed in air and Klaus walked out of portal in simple looking clothings

"Oh guys, how have you been?"

As Klaus said this all the guys looked at Klaus's direction and fairies and Elena said

"Just where have you gone Klaus?"

"You said it was just a week yet already 10 days have passed!!!"

"Did you get in trouble?"


But the fastest to react was Arno, just as Klaus appeared Arno rushed towards Klaus

"When will you understand young master... It's dangerous to run around like this... it will be troublesome if you guy injured!!!"

Arno tried to catch Klaus with his hands and even used chained Scythes to catch Klaus, but Klaus dodged all his attempts easily and said

"How do expect me to belive your words when you are swinging this weapon at me, I'm the lord here!!!"

"If you are lord then act like one!!!"

Arno retorted and like that both sides kept going until finally Arno got tired and fell on ground in exhausted state

"Are you done now? It was very important matter, that's why I left like that, anyways did something happened after I left?"

Arno looked at Klaus and said with tired face "Nothing much happened here but the Academy had summoned you for student competition of the year..."

"Is it time already?"

"Hmm, and this time it seems like the competition is going to be global level and not just neighbour countries..."

Klaus smiled as Arno informed him about the competition and said "Then let's get ready for return, we are leaving right away"

As Klaus said this all the assassins moved in fast speed and in matter of seconds ago the tents and other things were stored away and everyone stood in front of Klaus

Elena went to Klaus's shadows and Klaus concealed the Fairies with his authority, and then Arno said

"It will five days to reach capital if we go by normal carts , then let...!"

"What are you talking about, we will be going there right away!" Klaus cut him off with his statement

Arno made surprised face and said with panicked voice "Young master it will take large amount of mana for such thing, you need to Tier 9 Mage to use such Magic...!"

Tier 10 Space Magic ... Quantum Teleport!!!

Arno was just talking but Klaus already used his magic, the whole area at where Klaus and there's were glowed in white light and 10 magic circles formed above them

And next they knew was that they were teleported to empty place in some distance from Royal Capital

"Young master! Are you already Tier 9?!"

Arno shouted while grabbing Klaus's shoulders, seeing this reaction Klaus smiled in cunning manner and said

"Haha, you saw the magic I used to teleport all of us here right?..."

'Is he revealing already?!'

'But by Klaus's personality he shouldn't...'

'Klaus what are you doing!!!!'

'My lord that's not a smart move!!!'

Fairies and Elena showed their panic in their eyes and Klaus continued

"... that magic was newly made by me, haha I'm not Tier 9 right now, how can such thing even possible, but I'm Tier 6 right now!!!"


Hearing those words made Fairies and Elena relived but at same time those words were like bomb shell to other assassins and Arno

"You are already Tier 6! This is absurd, even legendary hero was only early Tier 4 at your age! I have to inform Lord about this!!!"

"Woohoo young master!!!"


"You will get good girl, I'm sure of it!"

"As expected of you young master!"

"Let's celebrate later!!!"

Others congratulated Klaus about his achivement and Klaus took out carriage from magic while scratching his head with embarrassment

"Haha thanks... well shall we return to Capital now..?"

Klaus looked at direction of Capital and said those words with tone of excitement