137. Deity's Journey (1)

Klaus spended next few days along with knights who had returned to Whiteblood family mansion

And after a week the journey towards the east part of the Empire began

As the competition was being held there all the students who were participating in the Global Competition and few instructors started their journey

Everyone gathered in the Genesis Academy from where the journey was supposed to start

'But where are these guys...?'

Klaus and Pette had already arrived at the hall where everyone was supposed to gather at but Reus and his friends were running late

'... But this guy... As expected of someone from the family of Swordsman, not only had he trained physically and hunted monsters for practical training but even his mentality and presence...'

"... Outstanding... Even compared with Reus, Pette is quite something..."

Klaus muttered under his breath while staring at Pette who was sitting in front of him doing something with a paper and brush in noble and proper manner

The fairies also nodded as if they were some experienced judges

Just as Klaus and fairies were busy discussing Pette suddenly an assistant assistant there the hall

Just from his nervous and robotic movement it was clear that he was a newbie with common or lower ranking noble origin

First he tried to talk to Pette who was sitting near him but Pette who was born among fighters looked unapproachable for newbies like him

Even pette's appearance looked very fierce and sharp from a glance

'Damn... It looks like I will die if I disturb him... If he offended I will die in a snap... What do I do? What do I do?

Ohhhhhh! Heavens... What a timing...'

Suddenly the assistant's eyes fell on Klaus who was sitting in distance with an interested face

'What a pure aura... As expected of Saint...'

Klaus looked like an angel to the assistant thanks to Klaus's Saint title which gave a very approachable and kind presence to Klaus

The assistant didn't waste a second and dashed towards Klaus in a heartbeat

"Um...Sir Klaus... The instructors are asking if you know about the whereabouts of Reus and others...?"

Klaus came out of his observation mode and looked towards the glasses guy standing besides him

'How the fuck would I know? Am I their nanny?'

Klaus suppressed those thoughts in the bottom of his heart and gave a big smile and shook his head

"Sorry, I don't... I have no knowledge of whereabouts of Reus and others, they just told me they will come here in time, if there are any problems please tell me, I will do my best to solve them..."

Klaus looked very dazzling while saying those sugar coated words, even the assistant had to close his eyes while listening to Klaus

As soon as Klaus said that the assistant bowed to Klaus and after thanking him

"Is-is that so!? Then sorry to disturb you lord! I will inform the instructors!"

Klaus sighed and once again started waiting for Reus and others

"Damn... Look at him changing colours!"

"Haha! So bright, I thought my eyes would pop out!"


The fairies once again started teasing him, Klaus just smiled silently, after a few minutes suddenly the assistant once again entered the hall and said

"Um! Please follow me, everyone has arrived!"

As he said that Klaus and Pette stood up and followed the assistant

They arrived at the main hall where Reus and other 4 were already gathered there with sorry faces and instructors

'Hmm.. Garry Peterson, an Earth magic scholar and Susen Steelers, a Tier 7 swordswoman...

These instructors are quite the good match for journeys with students and Reus...

Looks like they received a long lecture for being late...'

Klaus glanced and observed their situations with a glance, Reus noticed Klaus and started greeting him with excitement

"Waah! Klaus finally you are here! And Pette too! Good for you right Pette? You finally got free time with your idol hehe!"

As Reus said, the air in the room changed, Sam and the girls covered their faces with their hands

Pette also looked a little embarrassed and glared at Reus with angry eyes

'Idol? Me?'

Klaus looked towards Pette and Reus and suddenly noticed the paper in Pette's hands, it had Klaus's portrait drawn in it

'When did he!?'

Klaus looked very surprised seeing this, Reus suddenly realised his mistake and started walking out with awkward faces and movements

"Ok let's go guys!!!"

The instructors sighed seeing this behaviour of Reus and next moment an instructor smashed his fist on Reus's head

"They arrived 45 minutes ago, it's you who is late! Are you really that dumb! I might have to disqualify you from participating in this competition!

If someone saw you they might think you are a mental patient!"

Reus rubbed his head and just listened silently, Klaus and others laughed seeing this and after a few minutes everyone departed

And as they left outside of the academy all students from the academy started looking through windows and started cheering for them

"We will be coming there to cheer for you!"

"Enjoy the journey!"

"Let's get again in competition!"

"Bye bye sir Klaus!!!"


Klaus and others looked shocked by excited students and glanced from windows of carriage and waved their hands in excitement

Reus looked especially excited after receiving all this attention and shouted with joy

"Don't worry guys! I will bring the victory! Let's meet again there!"

But it seems attention to him was quite less compared to Klaus and some even got offended

"Who's even talking to you!"

"We were cheering for Sir Klaus not you loser!"

"He can't even come here in time how does he expect us to believe him..."




Those words have immense damage to Reus's heart, seeing this Klaus grinned and came out from the small window in the carriage's roof

'Tier 4 Magic_ Commensurate Sound Wave'

A small 4 circled magic formation appeared in front of Klaus's mouth, this magic allowed his words to reach everyone's ears he wanted in clear tone despite all noises

"Thank you for your support my friends, I'm sorry I couldn't spend much time with you these last years but you still support me...

I heard you were getting bored by eating similar foods in the canteen again and again I arranged a special treat for you guys in the canteen for the whole week, enjoy~"

"OMG! Thank you!"

"Finally a relief!!!"

"Thank you so much! I will keep supporting you till death!!"

"Hail the Saint!!!"

"Hail the Hero!!!"

After Klaus said the cheers for Klaus intensified and everyone left with happy faces of course except one guy

"Am I really that hated?..."

Reus sat in the carriage as if had lost his soul with an ashen face, Klaus heard him and asked

"But why did you come late?"

Sam and other girls heard him and started talking

"Reus wanted to help that guy find his cat and that's why we all got late..."

Klaus heard him and commented

"But the adventurers could have helped him too..."

"Of course that's their job of course"

"If you kept doing charity work like that newbie adventurers might lose their jobs you know..."

The girls also stated those facts, those facts stabbed Reus like sharp swords and souls which seemed to be slowly leaving from his body

Suddenly felt like it will burst in air before reaching heavens

Their journey continued till the evening and they decided to take a rest in a nearby inn as they have arrived at city they were supposed to rest at night

This inn was also one of Golden Turtle Organisation's property and the rooms for everyone were already reserved

But as the students of the prestigious academy they could easily live in some high quality inn for nobles too but

"This journey is to teach you ways of living as the future of the Empire, you all have been living as noble since birth but you need to at least have the most basic knowledge about how normal people live

That's why none of you are allowed to reveal your noble identity while staying at this inn!"

As instructors have already instructed before all of them decided to enter the inn in normal manner

"Let's start the true journey shall we?"

Reus grinned and everyone had changed their clothes to normal one, which was still above average compared to commoners and made their way inside inn