139! Deity's Journey (3)

"Ok everyone~ we are camping here today!"

Susen Steelers, the instructor commanded all students, everyone came out of their carriages and started looking around the place

They were in an open area in the middle of the forest, the instructors already started talking out their camping sets

"Instructor! But why!? It's right in the middle of the forest here! What if we get attacked by monsters here!?"

Sam immediately complained as soon as he saw where they were, the instructors looked at him and said with sigh

"Don't tell me you didn't heard is last time, dumb fool we already told you we will be camping here today!"

Sam heard this but still looked like a fool with no clue, everyone looked at him as if they were staring at an idiot

"Sam... The next town is 15 miles away from here, and even if you try to go there it will be too late

And we can't afford to travel at night idiots, you should pay more attention to others' words..."

Reus explained it to Sam, Klaus didn't pay any attention to their drama and started focusing over his tent

"Haha this kid is even more ignorant than Fae!"

"Hahaha look at him staring in daze!"


The fairies started making fun of Sam who still had no touch of reality

'It's good that Sam can't hear them or that kid will commit suicide before we even reach our destination...'

Klaus sighed and tossed a pyramid shaped black stone in ground and stood in little distance

Just next moment the black pyramid turned into a strong black tent which looked like it was made of stone

Klaus looked surprised and touched the tent and grinned

'Surprisingly the thing used to make it is still like cloth but it's quite rough, hey Appolo appraise it!'


Next moment two blue and golden system like circles appeared out of blue and information about the tent appeared

[Black Stone Pyramid

Grade _ Tier 5 artifact

Type_ Temporary shelter tent

Soley made for camping in the wild by Golden Turtle Organisation's Employees, with all functions needed to live luxuriously in the wild with extreme defense to resist all beings up to tier 4]

"Wow! Is that the newest item of the Golden Turtle Organisation! I heard it was going to be released next month!"

Susen suddenly dashed towards the Klaus's tent with eyes of a fan, Garry stared at her disappointed gazes

"Klaus don't feel bad... It's just that she's a very big fan of the Golden Turtle Organisation products..."

Klaus said nothing he just smiled kindly outside while inside

'Fucking hell!!! She scared the shit out of me there! Ghost!!!'

"What's with this girl! She really surprised me there!"

"She was acting all strict all these days! How can her personality change like this!?"


The fairies also had similar reaction

The others were also shocked by that, but they were more surprised and amused by Klaus's tent, Klaus looked at others and sighed

"Haha! I brought many types of them! Don't worry guys, just rest easy here!"


"Wow! Klaus you are really perspective!"

"He's ready for all situations!"


"Haha! That's why he's my best friend you know!"

After Klaus said that 8 small pyramids came out of his storage bag and next moment 8 new tents appeared on the place

'Fuck you idiots, why must you make it so flashy!!! The whole reputation as a kind and caring man might have been destroyed if I didn't have more of them!'

Klaus kept cursing inside his head but nobody paid him attention anymore as they were checking out their tents with stars in their eyes

Especially Susen who looks like she will start drooling any second now...

Klaus sighed and entered his tent, it was quite big from inside, it had a huge padded mattress which was extremely soft and comfy and few cotton pillows and a big body size pillow too and the tent glowed from inside on its own

'Damn, I might not even wake if I sleep here...'

Klaus grinned but it wasn't time to sleep yet as the sun was still in the sky, as time passed the campfire and other things were also installed there

Garry had used some kind of artifact to prevent monsters from approaching the camps

Everyone gathered around the campfire and it was dinner time and Susen was responsible for cooking

Klaus sat next to Garry who had a grim face, Reus and others were chatting with Pette about some things

Klaus kept observing Garry's face for a few seconds and suddenly a past memory flashed in his mind

"Hey instructor, don't tell me, Miss Susen can't cook..."

Garry seemed surprised for a few seconds and next moment nodded with an ashen face and asked

"But how do you know..."

Klaus looked at him with sorrowful eyes and replied "Just things you experience in the past become your skill... My dad also had the same face when my mom cooked... Don't worry this Saint won't let you die in vain like this..."

After Klaus said that, Garry's face looked like he had finally founded his saviour and companion of life and death

Klaus stood up and next moment took out a huge burner and cooking materials and shouted

"Who wants to taste the newest recipe of the Golden Turtle Organisation!?!"

Klaus purposefully said it loud enough for Susen to hear it too who was about to do some mess of cooking that will make all chefs in world vomit blood to death

Everyone looked at Klaus in surprise and started shouting in excitement


"All of their foods are top graded! I want one too!"

"Let me have one!"

"Me too Klaus!!!"

Susen also arrived at place in a flash and started nodding like a kid

Klaus grinned various materials flashed in air, it was a magical experience

The noodles slowly floated in air like golden hairs of an angel touched the heat making a sizzling sound

The various sauces also danced in air creating a colourful mixture, followed by various onions and vegetables

And within 30 minutes the dish Klaus had prepared for ready

"I present you the legendary dish! Ramen!!!! There is no legend who hasn't eaten this dish"

Klaus presented them a large bowl of Ramen according to everyone's taste he added little more ingredients

The Golden Dish really looked heavenly, Klaus felt very satisfied and with a grin he sat on near by wood and three more bowls of ramen floated on air for the fairies

'If this wasn't a Western Fantasy I would have surely walked on path of my idiot! Dattebayo!!!'

Klaus grinned and started eating all the Ramen with satisfied face along with others

Everyone finished their share of ramen too and looked very satisfied

"Waaah!!! Klaus this is so good!!!"

"Heavenly dish!"

"Amitabha... I have gained the enlightenment of the truth of the world!"

"Hahaha! As expected of my bestie!"

Everyone chatted for a while and by next afternoon everyone arrived at their destination with no trouble

"So this is the city of eastern sea, Cordelia..."

Klaus glanced from his carriage as they approached the city and even the sea could be seen easily as the carriage of Klaus was on hilly part

Everyone was very amazed and looked amazed and surprised by the amazing view of city

'This place is really important here! There are about 4 important plots here and the most important is of course 'The beach episode!!!'

Although I'm not a simp like Protagonist, but I'm still a man of culture here! I will definitely contribute my part to my full capabilities!!!'

Klaus committed to himself with a confident and serious chad like face

"Hey guys get ready! All your competitors are also here! Don't you dare shame our Empire and Academy here!!"

Susen warned them with grin, everyone nodded and the journey to the place finally ended