144! Competition begins (1)

The days passed in a flash and the day of the tournament finally came, Klaus and team were wearing white combat suits

Although it looked just like normal expensive clothing, it was equipped with dozens of defensive and life saving enchantments

All the teams were standing in the corners of the competition arena and the whole arena was filled with absurd amounts of audience

There were also many students and teachers of Genesis Academy who came here to cheer for them on their own will

"Hahaha! Do your best!"

"I bet on Genesis Academy!"

"Haha! Demons Academy isn't weak either!"

"The elves?!!"

"Hey! Those are Oni right!?"

Klaus noticed various new species he hasn't seen in real life till now, like Onis these guys looked just like humans but with red horns or horn in their heads

There were water people too with scaly ears and flat hands, most of them carrying a three pointed spear with them

There were also dragonets, the lower species of Dragonoids, these guys had dragon-like split golden eyes and dragon wings on their back and looked very sharp and prideful

'There are all kinds of races... I need to plan things out perfectly if I need overwhelming victory, I can't let these fools remain unmotivated and fuck the future in their depressions...'

As Klaus thought that he moved his gaze towards Reus and the team, all of them had bright confident faces

'They are being so confident right now, the higher expectation, higher the loss, let's make the expectation reality...'

"Haha Klaus, why are making such serious faces?"

"Hehe! Look at them you are staring at them and if you are going to eat them!"

"Haha! All the beast mens are looking at you!"

Klaus came back to reality after the fairies told him, unknowingly he had been glaring draggers at all the teams with fighting spirit

The races like beast men who were very sensitive to such things were already on guard against Klaus

"Sigh... Let's not fuck things up..."

Klaus sighed and next moment an announcer or a harpy to be exact arrived to air with her mic

"Everyone is welcome to 'Global Academy Competition'!!!

Here all competitors you are seeing are the best of all nations, these are the futures of our world but for now let's focus on enjoying ourselves!

There are a total of 32 Academies who are going to participate in Global Competition with a total of 5 rounds

Then let's get ready and start with Genesis Academy vs Flame School!"


Cheers resonated through the whole arena and the participants of both sides entered the giant duel area

The opponents of Klaus's team looked quite nervous but it didn't mean they will be holding back

Reus and others were quite serious for this battle but for Klaus who knew all the present results didn't care


As the announcer said that both sides dashed towards each other and Yumiko was leading Klaus's team

'Tier 5 Magic_ Earth Spikes!'

Sam immediately covered all the ground on the other side with earthen spikes, the opponents got little surprised by that

But that little time for surprise was enough for Yumiko to take the lead

'Tier 4_ Night beast footprint'

Yumiko immediately used her instant footwork and smashed the closest opponent outside the during area

Followed by 2nd, 3rd and 4th opponents who got knocked unconscious by back if their heads

"Hey! Get on defense!!!"

Their leader made a good analysis according to the situation but till then both Klaus, Reus and Pette had already arrived too close for them to retreat

Like that 3 more opponents got eliminated, now only their leader remained on ground with flames in his sword

'These monsters...'

The leader was surrounded by Klaus, Reus, Pette and Yumiko from all sides showing immense pressure, it was clear he would get his ass kicked if he moved

"Sigh... I gave up..."

The leader sighed and gave up on the right time, as he did that everyone removed their swords back

"Haha! You are quite reasonable!"

Klaus gave him a big smile and shook his hands and left the place along with others

"Well losing to a hero isn't that bad"

The leader also smiled and left the place without feeling bad or getting offended


The audience also cheered for the excellent abilities and strategy Klaus used during this battle

Klaus and others went to their seats between the audience where other students of Genesis Academy were already sitting at

"Oh! That was a good match! Reus!"

"Yumiko looked so cool!"

"Yeah she was super fast!"

"My eyes couldn't even catch up to get movements!"

All the students congratulated and cheered for the team and the other matches continued

"Hey Klaus! Look at that one!"

"He had quite a lot of mana for his age!"

"Even though it's a demon it's really a lot..."

The fairies pointed towards the other demon team, Klaus had already seen him, it was the same guy who picked a fight with Klaus by showing pressure on him during the last Competition

"Hmm, he indeed improved a lot..."

Klaus muttered as observed the movements of the demon team during that match, it was demons vs human who specialised in strengthening magic

The demon Klaus was observing didn't move from the start of the match but as the match continued he suddenly flew to air and launched a lot of magical attacks from the top

The accuracy and strength of the attacks were quite top notch,

'All of his attacks focus on openings of his opponent, he observed their openings from that back before attacking them

What an unexpected talent, he will grow immensely in future, another variable from the original story

He is around peak Tier 4 too, guess he might reach Tier 5 too...'

Klaus kept taking notes over all the strong looking opponents and after 4 days all the matches of first round ended

All matches weren't as fast as Klaus's match that showed over whelming strength, only some like Demons, Elves, beastmen and Onis showed over whelming abilities as they had racial advantages

Others matches took almost 30 minutes to reach but it was clear that few of them weren't showing the true strength of the team just like Klaus's team

"It's like they all want to watch others..."

Reus muttered as he watched the first match of the second round between Elves and West Fort Military Academy

The elves who specialised in magic and agility were fighting on frontlines with swords but were still much stronger than humans and that match ended quite fast

Yumiko also said "They are holding back a lot to not expose their strength during starting matches

They are trying to not give much information to their future opponents so that they can have a big advantage over the future fights and surprise their opponents"

Klaus nodded with a serious face and said "We can't take much risks after the 3rd round, we need to start making strategies after the second round ends

I don't think we will be matched up against true opponents till the 3rd round, this is the time we have to observe our opponents"

Others also nodded with serious faces, and then after a few matches

"For the second round's 7th match 'Genesis Academy vs Titan Sword Academy!'

As the announcer announced Klaus's team stood up and made their way towards the battle arena

But as they were going to arena they noticed their opponents from the distance

All of them carried Giant long swords equipped with magical stones and armours and had pridefull and arrogant expressions

As they saw Klaus's team so of them grinned with wide teeth, looks like last victory increased their motivation beyond limits

Few of them even scoffed at Klaus's team and seemed to look down on them

"Let's discuss things later... these kids need to learn good manners first..."

Klaus muttered and all eyes of Klaus's team suddenly went cold while their presence fighting spirit