149! The Clash of Races (4)

Klaus once again smashed his fist into the face of the leader of the Dragonets, their leader couldn't even react to Klaus's agility but even then endurance of a Dragonets can't be underestimated

The man gritted his teeth and smashed his fist towards Klaus chest, the whole chest area of the combat suit Klaus was wearing bursted open

"Hahaha! Now that's hard! My name is Ladon! It's really the best moment of my life to get to fight someone so strong my own age!!!"

The leader of Dragonets shouted with excitement while throwing fists over Klaus head

Klaus dodged all of those attacks and replied with a grin on his face

"Don't make fun of me old man! How can a mere 16 old guy be the same age as an over 60 years old Dragonet!"

As Klaus said that he caught Ladon's head and smashed his knee right into his face, Ladon wasn't much affected by this move but still he started staggering as the pain slowly hit his consciousness

A crack appeared on his face covered with tough skin and scales, Ladon immediately rushed away and after finding a good distance looked towards Klaus with excitement

"Guha! This guy is a creep!"

"Gross, is he interested in men?"

"He looks more like a battle maniac than Klaus!"

The fairies looked towards Ludan with pure disgust in those eyes, even Klaus felt shivers seeing his unusual fighting spirit

After glaring at each other for a few seconds both once again clashed in air, Klaus blocked the claw strike with his elbow and with a boost of agility he managed to grab the wings of Ladan

"Have a taste of the ground!!"

Klaus directly smashed Ladan to the ground while jumping in his back and using the flexible wings as launcher

On the other hand Ariana and Sam were giving their support from the back, the attack power of Yumiko and Reus was greatly enhanced by Ariana's buff

While Sam was continuously helping Pette and Anna to fight the Dragonets trying to attack them with his rapid fire earth magic which launched spikes of sharp earth from any part of ground

Pette's raw strength was giving hard time to the two Dragonets at same time because of Sam's assistance

The Dragonets needed to avoid Sam's attacks at same time focus their balance over Pette or else they were on verge of getting wiped out in seconds

Anna was also fighting quite hard with her opponent despite being an Archer she was skilled enough to make many assassins jealous with her skills with blades

She made around dozens of strikes on her opponent within the seconds, her all focus was on fatal strikes and smooth damage rather than showing raw strength

But the place wasn't filled with struggle or anger rather than they were filled with great fighting spirit

Reus was currently fighting with the second strongest Dragonet in the stage and giving a good matchup

Tier 7 Swordsmanship Techniques _ Flame Wheel!!!

Reus activated his strongest sword technique in his possession and kept making strikes with the flow of sword

With the whole body and Sword covered in flames the continuous flow of sword strike looked very attractive and astounishing for the audience

Reus was continuously smashing his flame strikes all over his opponent but the shield made of water was still absurdly strong and sturdy

A big wave of steam arises with each strike of Reus, the Dragonet grinned seeing this excitement of the duel

Reus was also lost in his techniques and sword filled with all the excitement in his head

"Admit your loss kid?!!"

The Dragonet opponent of Reus shouted with an excited voice, Reus grinned and shouted

"Don't dream about your own old man!!!"

With that Reus showed a huge smash of flaming sword and along with a big wheel of flames from the sword a smooth kick landed on Reus's opponent

The first sword strike broke through the water layer defense of the Dragonet and followed by a flaming kick that smashed Reus's opponents chest in a very hard way

Yumiko was also clashing with her opponent, she was having extra hard time compared to Reus

Yumiko was attacking her opponent from almost every corner of the body, with dark hairs and dark aura of shadow all over her body and those glowing eyes she looked quite fatal

Rather than showing immense strength she had immense skills, to the point it could be said even Klaus never had as much talent as her with swords

Yumiko skillfully dodged all attacks of her opponents made by magic of sharp edges of wings of claws

And even managed to make fatal strikes on her opponent with her skillful sword strikes and increased agility and shadow due to Ariana's buff

And she was the only person who had yet to receive a single damage from her opponent from the start till now

Each duel taking place in this match created big shock waves and each attack was perfectly calculated and perfected

"What an amazing matchup..."

"Who do you think can win?"

"This match is too stimulating!"

"Fuck! Too good!"

Even the audience was perfectly amazed by the skills of youngsters, the experienced warriors looked shocked in those eyes seeing that advanced level of fighting

This match had already been going on for more than 20 minutes yet no one could say clearly which side of going to win

'So now will be the perfect time to tell the reality right?'

Klaus grinned and next moment the sword in his hand disappeared in air and his fists glowed with golden aura

"Try to stay alive!!!"

Tier 4 Fist Technique_ Drill machine gun

As Klaus shouted, Ladon had looked to the surprise and confusion in his face but next moment dozens of fists all from different angles landed right on his body

Although the name of this technique wasn't very good, each strike really carried the same strength as an advanced machine gun that could blow up the whole house

Each strike cracked the very bones of Ladon and his face was filled with immense surprise and shock

There was no fighting spirit remaining on his face it was the look of prey thinking about mere survival from the predator

Klaus's moves were extremely impressive and unpredictable, Ladon tried dodging the strikes by flying away but it looked like Klaus had attached magnet to his body and easily followed him

Klaus caught his wings and smashed the fist right on the area before below the chest, followed by an elbow strike on chin and a round kick on head

Ladon couldn't even find proper balance or consciousness after those lethal attacks and Klaus had no intentions of giving him any chance too

Klaus caught his head and grabbed him under his left arm and started smashing his fist, elbow and knees all over his body

After identifying his condition Klaus smashed him outside the dueling area into the walls and rushed towards the direction of Ariana

Just now one of Dragonet escaped the grasp of Sam and Pette and was about to reach Ariana

Ariana noticed the situation, her fist suddenly started glowing in silvery light as she thought

'Looks like there is no choice...'

But just then Klaus heels landed right on Dragonets fatal area below the neck and the Dragonet couldn't even find any strength any more after that and immediately fell on the ground in the same position

A huge crack appeared on the other side of his body showing just how much strength that one move of Klaus carried

The second Dragonoid attacking them got distracted for a moment and taking advantage of that Pette smashed all his energy and stamina over his last strike

Tier 6 Swordsmanship Techniques _ The Strike of Dark One!!!

Pette's sword landed in almost every corner of his opponent and next moment the eyes of his opponent lost the light and consciousness in them and he also lost

Ariana was on verge of losing all her mana, Klaus suddenly moved his hands to right and just then Anna's opponent mistakenly smashed his own head to Klaus's fist and knocked himself out

Tier 8 Support Magic_ Mana Blessing!

Klaus immediately caught Ariana's back and started buffing mana in her body, Reus and Yumiko suddenly felt a huge increase of energy in their body but at same time felt a lot of backlash

'At this rate I will only last for 5 more seconds...'

'but that's enough!'

Both Reus and Yumiko grinned and next moment half of the ground was filled with yellow red flames and the other one was covered in dark shadows

Both Reus and Yumiko made one final strike giving all their mana in this one move and smashed their opponents with their swords

The Dragonets were also very smart and suddenly all the scales in their body covered them like dragon's scales

Next moment both blades of Reus and Yumiko were smashed into pieces but the Dragonets also staggered and fell to ground with a huge wound and shattered scales in the chest

Hands of Yumiko and Reus trembled because of backlash of that strike and both got knocked cold into the ground

"The winner is Genesis Academy of Heroes!!! Stay with us for finals that will be held in 3 days after everyone recovers!!!!"


The audience cheered in full excitement, Klaus grinned and everyone standing the dueling area fell to ground with exhaustion and loose bodies

Klaus noticed one gaze from the sidelines and his eyes noticed the observing gaze of Oni princess with bright yellow eyes in the shadows and thought

'Now what to do...'