152! The Clash of Races (7)

[Alert! The Oni Princess Karin has temporarily entered the legendary 'Shuten Doji' battle state!]

[The combat power increased by 500% for the next 10 minutes!]

Klaus watched the Oni princess who was apparently named Karin growing one dark horn to the side of her head

The aura and presence were far denser and stronger than from the past, her eyes had the same look as Klaus after going through countless battles in the tower

Karin immediately appeared in front of Ariana and Sam and with just one strike of fist smashed both of them into walls outside the dueling area


Anna tried to attack her by getting into close range in a blind spot with her bow blade but she was also grabbed by the throat and sent flying outside to wall

Reus saw this and with tightened fist and fit of rage dashed towards her along with Yumiko and Pette

"Don't hurt my friends!!!"

Reus shouted in full rage and seriousness with full heroic aura on, but next moment a Karin looked like she just teleported in front him within a second

And a slap came right into Reus's face sending him flying across the field all the way to the wall where the audience was sitting

'Aiyaahh~ that was satisfying~'

Klaus was somehow enjoying that upside down Reus's body struck like glue to the wall but he still returned to his senses very quickly

On the other hand Karin was on her way to take down Yumiko and Pette too but just then

Tier 8 Fist Arts _ Field Smasher!

Klaus's fist crashed right to the ground in front of Karin and next moment an incredible shock wave erupted all over the dueling area crushing whole ground into pieces

All the Onis and even Yumiko and Pette got tossed out of the ground in one swoop now there was only Klaus and Karin

Yumiko and Pette were tossed besides the audience like dust in clothings, from there they looked at match with wide rabbit eyes with face saying

'The fuck?'

"Kyaaa! Klaus's body is cool!!!"

"I wanna sleep in those abs!"

"Marry me sir hero!"

"Ehehehehe... This body iyahahaha!!!"

Suddenly some weird kind of noises started appearing from the female audience gathered there after seeing Klaus's half naked body

With those defined muscles all over the body, blond golden hairs, blue eyes and an universe grade athlete body

Not a bad combination for every girl's fantasy prince if I say so myself

Klaus heard them and felt shivers all over his body and tapped his wrist and 9 small circles appeared in front of his palm

Tier 9 Defense magic_ Warrior's Last Whisper!

As the magic was cast a light and thin white blue armour appeared all over his, tightly attached to Klaus's body

It was so defined to point it looked like a steel layering over Klaus's body, seeing this eyes of all guys shined in excitement while the girls looked little disappointed

'I ain't gonna give these horny cats any chance, hell na~'

Klaus grinned with satisfaction seeing that reaction and just as he was about to give smug grin Karin once again dashed towards him

Klaus dodged the fist strike over his face, followed by the swinging blunt sword over his chest

After that a barrage of Sword swings dashed towards Klaus's direction

But all those attacks were perfectly dodged and deflected by Klaus who was practically showing athletic skills to the whole world

"Just once!!!"

Karin shouted and the aura all over blunt sword became far more dense in red and black and a big phantom of enraged Oni appeared behind Karin

'Now that's a little bad...'

Klaus noticed that danger and immediately created the distance, he could still dodge and endure that strike but what will his excuse be with his so-called 'Tier 6' strength?

'Fuck... Looks like I have no choice but to show off'

Klaus went into his sword stance with both knees bent and one hand holding the sword to front while another one preparing some grand magic

Supreme grade Combination Magic Swordsmanship Techniques _ Calamity Slaughter!

Next moment Karin's sword released an immensely powerful strike, all ground above that slash wasn't just crushed from pressure it had become fine smooth sand

The huge red black arc of sword slash was still coming towards Klaus and the audience behind him

But just then a smirk appeared on Klaus's face and suddenly just like dynamite hundreds of thousands of giant dark swords started popping out between Klaus and that huge sword Arc

Klaus tightly balanced his feet over the ground and next moment launched himself forward with immense force

This time the whole ground behind Klaus was sent a few meters below the ground because that pressure

The dark Swords that appeared from ground started blocking the arc, but in just matter is seconds all of them got shattered into pieces but the arc had also lost the strength by more than 70%

Just then Klaus passed right through that arc, dozens of cracks appeared in his armour but the whole arc also disappeared from existence

Klaus emerged right in front of Karin but Karin was also ready for the strike, both the sword collided against each other

As the both collided the space itself felt waves and even the audience noticed that feeling of experiencing nothingness, the defense mechanism set in the arena opened on its own

Hundreds of chains dashed towards Klaus and Karin but all those chains were crushed right in the middle

And next moment both swords of Klaus Ava Karin couldn't take it anymore and shattered into pieces,

A huge wave came right in the middle of them and both were pushed a few metres back but the next moment both smirked and dashed against each other and launched their fist right across each other's face

But both managed to block each other's first right in front of their faces, Karin tried kicking Klaus with her leg, but Klaus blocked that strike with his knees

Karin tried to strike with her second leg and destroy Klaus's face and jump away but just as she launched her strike

Tier 7 Support magic_ Serene Blue Wings!

Two white blue wings appeared on Klaus's back and Klaus immediately rushed into sky with Karin in his hold

Klaus blocked the second strike from her leg with his ankle and after arriving in middle of air, Klaus tossed Karin in air

Karin looked at Klaus with a helpless face but next moment Klaus smirked and shouted

"Better grit your teeth!!!"

With that a barrage of fists came flying right into Karin's body first one at her face followed by shoulders, side of stomach and last one at chin

The result was...

... Mid Air K. O.!!!!!

Karin fell on the ground without any conciseness and all her changes and aura returned to normal while Klaus was still in air landing slowly

"The winner of the Grand Global Competition is Genesis Academy of Heroes!!!!!"

The audience who saw this and all the Klaus's acquaintances including Reus and the team who just recently returned to their senses

Everyone was amazed, they had no words to describe what to say in front of that miraculous strength

"So strong! So handsome!!!"

"Kyaaaa! Take me as your slave arruchiii!!!"

"That was too strong!"

"As expected of a legendary hero!!!"

Cheers resonated all across the arena, this was truly an immensely stimulating match that can make your blood boil

The wings from Klaus back also disappeared and he struck his fist with little sweats over his face and a satisfied big grin

Klaus moved gaze towards the south after noticing some movements from dozens of miles far in distance and muttered with mysterious grin

"Looks like it's time for the last event of the plot..."