Got a nice fiance?

As usual Klaus's bath was huge!!! This man got the whole hall as his hot spring bath inside the mansion

Klaus went naked and sat inside his bath staring at the ceiling thinking about future

'Ahh~ Dammit what am I going to do now, Reus and team is already S Rank, so many years have passed just like that

I should have visited this place from time to time, but if I had done that forget training I would have died in the hands of those Devils hmm...on other thoughts this one seems much better

I must become a support card for their adventurers now to get them stronger, Reus is a strong cheat card

Without help from me he won't be able to become much stronger, I need to boost his growth rate later too!


"The fuck are you doing here?"

As Klaus said that he looked towards a girl right his age with dark violet hairs and purple eyes and heavenly beautiful face with mature charm to it sitting right next to him in his bath

The girl looked towards Klaus with a cute smile while joining both of her hands and replied with an innocent face

"Haha! Can't you see I'm taking a bath?"

Klaus's hands still had that dark bracelet which slowly started changing into a blunt shield, Klaus looked at her and said

"Give me 3 reasons to not beat you right now"

The girl looked towards him and replied with a serious face

"Well first I'm a girl!"

"And I'm a true believer of Gender Equality!"

Her reason got immediately cut off by Klaus's sharp reply, the girl still continued

"I'm a high noble and smart! You can't hurt a lady like me who has influence over a noble society! Even the Empress had praised me!"

"I hurt anyone I want in this house, and the Emperor is my uncle, I can play the nepotism card too!"

Her second reason was also brutality slaughtered by Klaus's cold words, the girl puffed her face like a hamster and said in a frustrated and nervous tone

"I-I'm Sol Walpurgis!!! Your future wife that was selected by Whiteblood and Walpurgis family!!! You can-can't hurt me like this!

N-no! On the other hand this doesn't sound bad! Yo-you can hurt me! Ok-okay!?!"

Her thigh process suddenly started making its way to the wrong direction, Klaus looked at her with a grossed face

Klaus's eyes could clearly see the heart in those dark purple eyes and her face changing crazily but just then a memory came to Klaus's mind

'Sol Walpurgis!? Yeah she was also in the novel too, although her role wasn't shown much in the novel but I guess she still had an important role there

She was the fiance of the original Klaus and they were supposed to get married too but unfortunately Klaus died...

Her personality was shown as an obsessive and smart person in a novel that looks like something is still the same here, but...'

"When did we get engaged!?!"

As Klaus shouted that Sol returned to her senses and replied with a cute grin "The family decided that when you were gone! High Nobles always decide marriage like that, are you unhappy?"

On her last words she looked a little sad and nervous, her crying baby face sent shivers to Klaus and he just replied with sigh

"... Nothing like that, I have no problem but what are you doing naked in my bath here??!!"

With that Klaus tossed Sol out of the bath hall with dozens of cloth sheets covering her like roll

As soon as she was tossed out 2 maids caught her like professionals with straight faces and made their way back to her room

Klaus sighed and just kept staring at cealing with a thoughtful face and little blush on his cheeks

"D cup... No maybe E cup... Why didn't those novel bastards tell anything about that?..."

Steam started rushing out of Klaus's head and he just silently decided to drown his head to hot water to erase his fantasies

A few more days had passed since then, Sol who actually came here secretly without permission from her parents was tossed back at her home the same day

There was still chaos going on all over the Captial after the identity reveal of the strongest adventurer and return of Klaus after years

And on top that coincidently it was time for the harvest festival a yearly festival event held all over the Empire

'Harvest Festival, guess that event is going to take place too...'

Klaus looked up to his papers with glasses on looking like a researcher in white clothes while sitting inside an office like room

Currently Klaus was calculating the plots that had been shattered because of his absence for a large time gap

Currently Reus had managed to offend various bigshots in the social world of nobility and because of Klaus's absence he was suffering a lot

Everyone was about to graduate from the academy too, so till now they were under the protection of the academy so not much harm was done to Reus till now

But after the graduation Reus and his friends were set to be surrounded by many of the high society nobles

After Klaus, Reus was being praised as mightiest prodigy and during Klaus's absence Reus managed to rebuild his reputation as it was in novel

Reus had shown absurd growth rate and reached the Tier 8 just last month after finishing large scale cooperative raid at Ogre village last month

He even managed to get in contact with 'Roaul' and 'Susan' the 4th strongest and 3rd strongest adventurer in the current world in that event

He and his party even saved Susan's life during the raid further increasing his favorability with her

And Klaus's absence made his presence shine much more brighter in the whole event, there was also an evil cult event

Here Reus managed to discover a noble who had made contact with evil cult and then after a long battle he managed to win

Reus and his party are supposed to be rewarded for his achievements by the Emperor during this harvest festival

'Well that much should have been to be expected, that bastard might have become ignorant again... Sigh...'

Klaus tossed the papers inside his storage and looked outside with long gaze, he just sat there dazed until suddenly a knock came to his doors

"Come in..."

Klaus commanded and the doors opened and various people entered the room, all of them were important and direct subordinates of Klaus

Firstly Ains and Ashia entered the place followed by Isis and the two assassins Klaus had adopted from slums, Robert and Lumina

Isis was exactly the same as the past, she stood there without aging a day, A Robert and Lumina on other hand had grown a lot

Robert looked very confident in his face and wore a dark black professional shirt with a coat on top of that

Lumina was also wearing a similar black suit like Robert and looked quite excited for today

And then the leader of Dragonoids, Rindur who entered the place with sight smile in his face and lastly Elena and the fairies

"Yo! Klaus missed us?!"

"Why are you looking so serious like that!?!"

"Ho ho ho having fun alone!"

The fairies immediately rushed to Klaus with bright faces, Klaus caught all of them before they could stick to his face like leachs

"How have you been guys?"

Klaus questioned others with bright faces, everyone in the room looked happy, Ain and Ashia just nodded with a smile

"Everything has been a normal young master"

"We were good!"

Next Isis came forward and pointed towards Robert and Lumina on the back

"Golden Turtle Organisation is having a smooth time too, Robert and Lumina have finished all their training they are currently Tier 8 right now

I have disguised them as high officials of the organisation for now..."

Robert and Lumina nodded with smiles on their faces, Klaus also nodded

"It must have been hard for you then, anyways what about you Rindur?"

The Dragonoid came forward and reported like a soldier "We have found all the places as you had requested before leaving, we managed to monopolize them too!"

Klaus stood up and replied "Then it's much better I guess-"

"Ahh! Sorry if I'm late!!!"

Just as Klaus was saying suddenly Zoya also entered the room with a panicked face, Klaus looked at her with a smile

She looked more like a knight right now than just an adventurer

"Oh! Zoya its been around for a while! How have you been!?"

Klaus greeted her with a big smile on his face, Zoya nodded and replied "Haha! I have been good! I'm currently working under Sir Ain as a knight under you!!!"

She still looked nervous and panicked noticing all people in the room, Klaus nodded and said

"Well guess you have been doing better than I expected, Ashia, when is the Graduation ceremony of Genesis Academy and the Harvest Festival?"

Ashia immediately replied "The graduation ceremony is in 3 days and then the harvest festival on the 25th day, the students with achievements will be awarded then in the royal palace!"

Klaus looked a little thoughtful and then after a minute a grin appeared in his face and he said "Guess we can speed up our progress but before that let's do one final upgrade to the place..."