Graduation Ceremony (1)

[Host has encountered Grade-less Artifact 'Sage Sapient'!]

There was a big grin on Klaus's face with gigantic dark Spherical floating in air in front of him surrounded by various rings

Noir also looked at things with wide curious eyes but next moment Klaus himself slowly floated in air while approaching the Gigantic sphere

As Klaus came in the range of the rings suddenly all rings rushed away from the sphere they were previously surrounding

All the rings immediately started floating directly on top of the sphere in vertical form, Klaus slowly touched the sphere

Klaus sighed and next moment all the runes at the rings floating above the sphere and the sphere itself got ignited and immense knowledge started poured inside Klaus's mind

This knowledge was different from the information about magic of techniques, rather than that it was more like gaining experience of others

'Sages aren't as strong as 'Hero' nor are they as popular as 'Saints' but they are considered as strongest foes to have in party of the Hero

There is a reason why a Sage is in the same position as God for magicians...'

[Host is in possession of title 'Sage'!]

[All the experiences of all previous Sages are being transferred to the host!]

A huge amount of weird scriptures and information started rushing inside Klaus's mind and a grin appeared on Klaus's face

Klaus also noticed dozens of shadow figures with a white ring in their eyes gazing towards Klaus from the past

'With all this knowledge, Sages are freaking true last bosses for sure...'

Various knowledge kept rushing inside Klaus to the point he can even use all kinds of magics like reflexes

Till now Klaus had mostly lived as over geared melee warrior with excellent recovery options

But the use of magic was just brute, Klaus just poured an insane amount of mana in whatever magic he used

A normal magician needs to put all kinds of structural knowledge, magic circles, balancer, regulators and proper concentration to use magic

But Klaus just dumped insane mana and with just his imagination and basic structure he kept blasting his enemies

But with all these experiences that were being absorbed by Klaus, now all magic came to him like instincts for beasts

All the rings of dark sphere surrounded the Klaus and dust like dense energy started getting absorbed by Klaus's body like a black hole, Klaus closed his eyes trying to concentrate more

After a few minutes Klaus slowly landed on the ground and the gigantic sphere and rings also returned to normal

But just then suddenly Klaus opened his eyes, there was a green ring suddenly appeared inside his golden eyes which blurred soon enough

Klaus looked at his hands and noticed he felt shivers all over his bodies and his hands trembling

"It will take time to get used to it..."

Klaus caught the Noir who was ready to jump at the gigantic sphere and next moment a portal appeared sending Klaus back to his home

As Klaus left the air in the place also returned to normal followed by the Tower Master and Merlin who just entered the hall

"Seems to be nothing here..."

"I guess so..."

The old man once again sighed by himself because of disappointment while on other hand Merlin sighed with a relieved face

And just like that the day of 'Graduation Ceremony' at Genesis Academy arrived where all students were supposed to gather for one last official gathering at the academy

The whole academy was currently filled with hundreds of thousands of students all over the place along with their guardians

The place was completely filled with dense crowds and the whole academy had an atmosphere of celebration

And currently at the front ground filled with grass of the academy where everyone had gathered...

"Hey Reus! When will Klaus arrive?"

"Do you know about it?"

Anna and Sam who had grown up a lot, Anna currently looked like a cute girl who just came out of University or college

And Sam had become a guy with the height of 6'1 and authoritative and little more mature presence but still too lively

Both of them asked the Reus whose bangs of hairs covered his forehead and the eyes have become incredibly bright and sharp

The protagonist's true charm has truly blossomed now and the charismatic presence made him look like gold in a pile of silvers

"I have no news about him too, he should be arriving by now I guess..."

Reus muttered with a little nervous face and stared at the entrance of the Academy, Ariana and Yumiko also entered the group with straight faces

Yumiko had become a beautiful and cute girl with a perfect elegant and sports girl like appearance with the same ponytail style of hairs

Ariana on other hand looked most mature out of them all and stood out a lot because of her unique hairs and high onee san aura

"He should be arriving soon, why are you worrying so much, it's not like he is about to run away from the ceremony or anything..."

As Ariana said that everyone present there looked a little embarrassed but still kept making glances towards the entrance

And just then Ariana's gaze met an elegant White carriage with red outlines being dragged by 4 white horses with a sign of Whiteblood Family over it

A knight suddenly came and opened its doors and from that noble carriage a man with golden blonde hairs and deep blue eyes came out in white suit of Genesis Academy

He had the hairstyle similar to classic french crop from our world, it was just that his hairs at centre were slightly bigger and he looked just like some idol but more manly

He had the presence of a high noble with him and the presence alone dragged all the attention of everyone gathered there towards him

And as soon as he appeared various screams of excitement roared across the Genesis Academy

"Sir Klaus is back!"

"Oh my God! Oh my God! He became so handsome!!!"

"Damn! He looks so cool!"

"Let's go meet him!"

The crowd dashed at him with big smiles and shiny eyes, Klaus just smiled and took all the crowd head on

"My name is Johnes! Can I get an-!?"

"Hey don't push it bastards!"

"I was the first!"

"Sir! I'm the Morbe! From October family!"

Klaus handled all the crowd with a big smile on his face and after giving little autographs Klaus managed to find Reus and others from distance

"Let's meet again next time..."

Klaus smiled and gave the crowd a farewell and took the chance to slip away and went straight to Reus and others

The crowd was surprised by Klaus's sudden disappearance but they didn't push it seeing Klaus meeting with his friends

"How have you been guys?"

Klaus asked with a big smile on his face, Reus and others immediately became bright after meeting their friend after a long time

"Oh! Klaus, been so long!"

"My! You became so handsome!"

"So how many girls did you get?"

Sam, Anna and Ariana immediately jumped at Klaus with bright faces while Reus and Yumiko were like introverts as always

"Seems like I missed a lot of things, but I still have a lot to see I guess!"

As Klaus said that he looked towards Reus with a bright face, both made their signature friendly handshake with grins on their faces

But just then Yumiko noticed a group of nobles walking towards them from Klaus's backside

"Why are they here now? Are they trying to threaten us in a straightforward manner here?"

Yumiko muttered and everyone looked at the back and noticed about 6 nobles in expensive clothes walking towards them

Reus and others looked a little nervous seeing their approach, all the nobles that were approaching them were the guys Reus had offended during these days without Klaus

But as they arrived near Reus and others suddenly all of them bowed in unison

"We are sorry for our actions till now! Please find it in your heart to forgive us!"

"We promise to not do such things again!"

"Our actions till now were disgraceful to our positions, we won't dare to do anything again!"

Reus and others looked very shocked and surprised by their sudden change in behaviour

Because in the past these guys threatened Reus in every chance they met, but now these guys were apologising and on top that it was an apology in front of the whole academy

Reus and his friends looked at each other with confused faces but just then their gazes met Klaus's eyes

The cold shine in Klaus's eyes was looking straight down to the heads of nobles who were bowing their heads

The sweats were dropping like rain from the faces of all the nobles who just apologized, Reus grinned with awe in his face and said

"We accept..."

"Th-thank you!!!"

All the Nobles immediately nodded and after thanking them all of them immediately rushed back with faces as if they just escaped the death

'In all these years the things that affected Reus and others the most were the power of these nobles so the first step is...

Authoritative Protection Granted!'