Organisation Upgrade Phase-1

Klaus continued with his speech, the words of his speech were not just warm words those were the words that described the future of the world

"Even after I left without telling the reason you guys still supported me throughout these years, I'm grateful for that...

I won't take much of your time with boring speech, I just want to state I'm grateful for the Genesis Academy and your love and support till now

In these years I have seen a lot of joy and difficulties, I have seen pain and sufferings of others but I have also seen warm unison and happiness in their eyes

As you keep going forward many will try to bring you down but you should keep your will strong

Strong enough to reach the higher than heavens and deeper than ocean, that's the only path for the future

I know many gems who are present here with us, it is not wrong to call this generation the golden sun of the Empire

The Empire is sure to flourish in these hands and today is the day we graduate, this is really a joyous day at same time it's a shame that many of us won't even see each other again in our busy lives or because of circumstances

So let's enjoy ourselves together for one last time to our limits!!!"

As Klaus finished his words everyone cheered with excitement and with that the ceremony ended with loud cheers

Everyone hugged each other, some bade farewells to each other while some enjoyed joyous time together

Firstly everyone went to their family for their blessings and many haven't met their families for years so they were far more excited

"Mother! Father!"

Klaus had his reunion with his family again, everyone there hugged each other with excitement

After that Klaus used the remaining time there to celebrate one more time with Reus and others

And like that day everyone enjoyed themselves till they reached the satisfaction and like that their days of peace ended

Now every one of them was considered an independent member of society with their own responsibilities

Klaus returned to his home in the capital along with his family to rest and then from the next day on Klaus spent his days peacefully with his family

Klaus made them various types of delicacies and after spending 2 weeks with peace Klaus decided to bring his both siblings out to the Capital

"But where are we going to Klaus?"

Sarah, the big sister of Klaus asked with a bright face, Klaus looked at her, she hasn't aged a day since last time except the change in hairstyle

"We are going for shopping"

Klaus just replied while staring outside, Arwin who was also looking outside feeling nostalgia

Sarah immediately replied "but this isn't the direction of the shopping district or any such place I know!"

Klaus didn't reply immediately, after a few seconds the carriage stopped and Klaus replied "We are directly going to take premium products directly..."

The doors opened and next moment the three siblings were standing in front of head quarters of Golden Turtle Organisation

"...from the headquarters"

Sarah and Arwin had amazed faces as they stared at the gigantic building with big eyes

Though they were looking like kids with Klaus both had been promoted to heads of the 'Behemoth' and 'Lunar Dawn' legions

There guys were already middle Tier 8 existences with immense strength in them

"Let's head inside"

As Klaus said that he started making his way towards the Golden Turtle Organisation, the employees were already standing outside for their welcome

Isis was also there along with Robert and Lumina to escort Klaus inside

Sarah and Arwin also followed Klaus inside and after they arrived there Isis greeted them with proper respect

"Welcome Sir Klaus, Miss Sarah and Sir Arwin..."

Everyone nodded and they were escorted inside, they were directly brought to a huge hall filled with all kinds of female and male related products

The eyes of Sarah and Arwin immediately started shining seeing all those premium and never seen before clothes, jewels, weapons and armours

"Ohhh my God! Is this one the latest design here! This one is absolutely amazing!!!"

"Lord! What kind of sword is this!?! This one can even turn into chains!!! The problem of a short range of Swords is solved with this!!!"

Both of them were nobles and experienced fighters so they understood the worth of products around here

Both started exploring the place with stars in their eyes, Klaus saw them and next moment started moving backwards

"Isis lets take the time to introduce new things and policies in our merchandise..."

Isis heard him but looked a little confused and said "Then what about Sir Arwin and Miss Sarah?"

Authority of False Creation _ Maya!

Klaus turned back and pointed back and said "That will handle it.."

Isis, Robert and Lumina noticed another Klaus standing there with a big smile on his face waving back at them

Their faces were completely shocked and amazed, none could find any difference between that Klaus and real one

Klaus could now make illusions with the mind of their own which was basically connected to Klaus too but such things seemed to have limits in them

With that the real Klaus walked out along with Isis while Robert and Lumina were left there with Illusionary Klaus to help Arwin and Sarah

"This one seems good right!?!"

Sarah asked with bright face, the illusionary Klaus smiled and took another dress and passed it to Sarah and said

"How about trying this one, this type of blue looks better..."

Sarah grinned and went back, even Sarah couldn't feel any difference, both Robert and Lumina looked at the illusionary Klaus with shocked faces with sweat on their faces

On the other hand Klaus just arrived at his office in the building and took out a map of the Empire and said this pointing at red points in the map

"We will introduce a new business method now, till now all of our shops didn't have any proper place to gain maximum number of costumers or service

Buy all the places with red dots, here we are going to make small shops, these places will make snack like things, that can be produced fast and efficiently with addictive taste

These snacks won't need you to sit and eat for minutes but could be finished in seconds, such things will be best for those who are busy for their work

Such things are also a good option for those who just want to try new things frequently too because we can change the snacks we are selling from time to time and bring them back in few days too

With this our efficiency will increase by huge margin and as it is extremely cheap everyone will be able to afford them

We will just take 20% profit of what these employees from these small shops will sell..."

Hearing Klaus's plan Isis looked amazed, this was quite the strategy from modern world

"This will solve most of the problems we have, we will also solve the problem of unemployment too

On top of that the employees will work harder after knowing their wages will be determined by their work..."

Klaus nodded and next said "This idea will show its true worth later, we can now spread our network outside of Empire with full force

Beastmen live in small distance and small numbers unlike us who live in large numbers with long distances

We can install these types of shops near their locations, with introduction of cheap products with time we will be able progress our relations with others too

This will help us in two ways, first of all of raw profit and then the second one is information!

Our shops will be spread everywhere like webs so we will be able to gain most refined and local knowledge without troubles and always employ local peoples of the region

If they are hesitant then give them 90% share of profit for now then make it back to 80%

There will be little problems in the beginning but soon they will also realise the addiction is too strong for others to leave just like that!"

Isis nodded and kept taking little notes next Klaus walked towards the window and said

"You should always take priority of location with highest population in the surrounding before setting up these small shops

And spend whatever is needed for their training and I will see each one of them once before the employment..."

'I can't have rats in my information web...'

Klaus looked at Isis with a sharp gaze, Isis nodded in understanding and raised her voice

"This can be done without any trouble but sir Klaus we are facing problems with the sources of resources

With the rate we are using the raw materials I'm afraid that other merchant organisations will be forced to target us..."

Klaus heard her and suddenly started thinking 'That is true, it's already been a decade since we started it

With so many materials we are producing the conflicts for resources in this time when the transportation and communication is expensive as hell is quite normal now...'

Klaus sat in his chair and kept thinking for this matter, after a few seconds suddenly his eyes widened in realisation and he said with a big grin on his face

"The problem of resources can be solved in 3 months!!!"