Harvest Festival (3)

After agreeing to the prince's request Klaus also noticed the sparkling eyes of Reus and others

"Well I will make armour for Reus too, and some things for you guys too..."

Hearing Klaus's reply all eyes immediately became super bright and everyone cheered

"You are the best Klaus!!!"

"Then make a sharp transformer bow for me!!"

"I want a martial staff like magician staff!!"

"Thank you!!!"

Everyone hugged Klaus with joy but only sigh and then a smile came from Klaus's face

'Well this armour 'is' meant for Reus, because Reus can't get any divine artifacts so I need something for replacement

The weakness of Reus can directly affect the fate of the world and there are still many factors that weren't written in the novel and can only be solved by the protagonist

I can't just appear everywhere to solve all problems, the butterfly effect of my interference is already huge,

It's already time for 'Rift Arc' too...'

What Klaus said wasn't wrong, it was true the world was in chaos because of Klaus interference but it was also because of Klaus holding everything on his own right now that the world is still existing

Klaus's interference stopped any need for all the kingdoms and Empire to join the treaty against the upcoming attacks of Devils

But with this the commotion of large scale migration was also avoided that took lives of 25% lives of those who migrated in the journey

Klaus directly slaughtered the 6th and 7th Devils that were the cause of it from the start,

Then the Gluttony Devil was supposed to come much more faster and directly create the whole city of Devils disguised as humans

This took the life of another millions of people before Reus even got news of it, followed by the large scale massacre of Wrath Devil

Under that massacre the whole Capital should have been wiped out from existence today at harvest festival leaving only Reus and his party who escaped because of the sacrifice of Emperor

The Emperor also considered Reus the last hope of humanity because of his achievements at the novel but now

"Hey, let's try this one, it smells good right!!?"

Anna brought a lot of skewers for herself and went around different shops with quick feet

The fairies and Elena also took their time eating their share of snacks with bright faces

"So when will your friends be coming here?"

Klaus asked the prince while chewing on his skewers, the prince kept walking and replied "Guess they got busy somewhere, they must be arriving soon here but Klaus I have a little suggestion for you..."

Klaus turned back to look at him and asked "What suggestion?"

The prince suddenly turned serious and replied "The territory you have received is subject to a lot of envy, your neighbouring lords might try to wage territory war with you

A lord cannot participate in territory war directly from the start, those guys are so greedy that they won't care about your backers

Even the Central nobility isn't safe there, many of them are actually near the borders of Empire so their forces are also much stronger

You can't take help of Whiteblood Family in these matters too, the world of nobility and adventurers are different

You will need stronger subordinates..."

After hearing the term 'Stronger Subordinates' many images of certain Mother of Spirits, Undead Queen, Certain strongest ancient, a black beast, a dragon whose every part of existence was shouting I'm the cheat,

Triple Tier 10 fairies, A Dragonoid team, 3 Tier 9 Subordinates, Shadow assassins, a focking merchant organisation controlling 9.7% of world's wealth 6-7 almighty Golem legion with four cheat beings and the army who had sworn loyalty to Klaus flashed right through Klaus's mind

Prince had given all these suggestions from his decades of experience and clean heart but after hearing all this Klaus looked at him as if he was looking at idiot

"You don't know? I have legions who have sworn their loyalty to me..."

As Klaus said that suddenly the eyes of Prince widened in realisation and he immediately started talking on his own

"Hahaha! I-i know! I was just saying you should get used to noble politics! O-oh! Look! My friends are here! I should get going!!!"

Saying that the prince immediately rushed away, he directly went to two figures who were in obvious disguise

'So his friends were Brother Arwin and Sister Sarah... Well that's to be expected...'

Klaus easily managed to see the faces of his siblings with his eyes and turned back to his friends to enjoy the festival to fullest

"Elena! Let's try that one too!"

Klaus dragged Elena along with her and fairies were already following him

They used the remaining time to explore various festival shops and different peoples who came here from different parts of Empire

After going around different places all over the festival area, Klaus had noticed many people he knew had come here under disguise or plainly

Like the employees of his organisation, adventurers, Guildmaster, Sania, his own subordinates

Robert and Lumina too, but in their case it seems more like Lumina dragging him all over the place to taste variety of foods in her free vacation

"It seems to be starting! Let's get going now!"

Ariana suddenly said that, others also looked at the direction and then rushed in hurry

A lot of dry woods had been gathered at the centre of the place and everyone had surrounded the place

The place where all the woods had been gathered had a lot of space, it was enough to fit a big noble house there

Suddenly the big pile of woods got ignited by fire and large flames erupted from the woods

"Oh!!! Flames this time are huge!"

"Waahh!! It's so beautiful..."

"Let's start! What are you dazing off for?"

"Come on!!!"

The people started getting excited and various musical instruments suddenly started getting played by many people there

All the people distanced themselves from the large flames and everyone started dancing with their pairs

"Hey! Anna let's go!"

Sam immediately caught Anna and both also joined the dance group with wide smiles on their faces

Klaus and Ariana were still standing there looking at Reus and Yumiko blushing while staring at each other on their own

"Get going! What are you doing!?"

"Just go!!"

Klaus pushed Reus and Ariana pushed Yumiko towards each other for the dance

Reus and Yumiko somehow caught each other's hands and started dancing with red faces

Both of them had their own presence even among the huge crowd, Klaus looked towards Ariana who was still alone and said

"Do you have any partner, if not the-"

As Klaus was saying suddenly Ariana's father popped in the middle and caught Ariana's hands and replied

"Who are you brat? Even if you have a good face I won't give my daughter to you!"

Ariana's father out of nowhere started scolding Klaus and after that he turned around to his daughter to sweet face and said

"Let's go sweety! Don't get trapped by the sweet words of these men, they all are beast except your father of course~"

With that Ariana also left to dance with her father after making an apologetic face to Klaus

Klaus just stood there for a few seconds along with Elena and fairies with a stupid face and suddenly a loud burst of laughter escaped his mouth

"Hahaha! Man, he's really a fool for his daughter! Hahaha"

Elena also couldn't help but to smile seeing what just happened and fairies already had that personality of being too good

"He really just ignored the Saint while being a priest!"

"I-i can't... My stomach hurts.. ahahaha!"

"Imagine his face after he realises that!"

After a few minutes the laughter finally calmed down and next Klaus offered his hands to Elena

"Shall we have a dance then?"

As Klaus said, Elena immediately gave a straightforward reply with a straight face

"No, I don't know how to dance"

Hearing her reply Klaus became shocked and he questioned "Aren't you queen?"

"Queen of demons"

Elena corrected Klaus with a robotic face, Klaus started getting nervous and he questioned

"Then why don't you know about dance!"

"I forgot..."

Hearing that reply Klaus just stood there with dead fish eyes but still asked


"It's already been thousands of years since I danced last time and I don't like such things"

"Then what do you like?"

"Drink. Sleep. Fight."

Elena's reply was truly a replica of her normal daily life, just like an introvert with a beautiful face, she just keeps sleeping the whole day and only awakens to either drink or fight

'In conclusion get personality is lazy as fuck, I guess it's that skill 'Demon's dignity' that is holding her noble image on its back

Ha~ shall I summon someone for the dance or something?'

Klaus was just thinking but next moment suddenly out of nowhere Sol Walpurgis alias 'Klaus's one and only Fiance' rushed in front of him with sweats and grin on her face

"Sorry lady! I will be dancing with my fiance today!"

Sol immediately told Elena with a wide smile on her face which looked quite charismatic in the light of the huge flames in front of her face