Godly Beast Clan

Klaus smiled and recalled the important plot from the novel

'If I remember correctly a beastmen clan used to live on the other side of the forest but died during this rift chaos and only one member of the clan survived

Who later became Reus's party companion and possibly the strongest beast men alive at that time...'

Tier 8 _ Space tunnel

Klaus immediately opened the space portal in front of his eyes and directly made his way to the skies of the other side of the forest near the Rosario City

Klaus floated on the top of the skies of what looked like some kind of village

'Seems to be right place, only some crazy strong idiots like these guys will dare to settle down besides such deadly forest...'

Klaus observed that there was not even a wooden wall to protect the village if some monster from forest suddenly came to the village

Klaus slowly made his way closer to the village settlement from the sky and as he went closer first thing Klaus noticed was that all the beings in the village were beastmen with human-like appearance and cat like ears and tails, and

The second thing was that all of them were crazy strong on average, even the teens were Tier 4

And as if that was not enough the beastmen is the race known for their fighting capabilities not to mention that all beastmen Klaus saw were 'cat beastmen'

They are known to be extremely unpredictable and flexibility and strength can't be measured through simple means

The nature of cats in the wild is like open hunters who hunt whatever they want and have high level intelligence too

And these beastmen were exactly the same kind of beasts, Klaus knew this because he was feeling the cold eyes of the beastmen as he arrived closer to the village

Klaus noticed the shine in one of white furred beastmen looking at Klaus from the corner of the village and next moment suddenly a spear appeared right in front of Klaus's eyes

Klaus immediately blocked the spear with his bare finger and stared at the beastmen that just threw the spear with little surprised gaze

'The strength of this beast is truly monsters but too bad for you, I don't bleed...'

Klaus grinned and next moment dozens of spears were seen flying at him with sharp edges

Klaus slowly dodged each one of those attacks and blocked a few strong ones, Klaus moved his gaze again and noticed the beastmen not moving anymore

'Are they done?'

Klaus didn't show any reaction and slowly landed right at the entrance of the village and moved his face towards the village

But just as he did that Klaus noticed a spear flying towards him from long distance at the village

The spear was cutting right through the air and surrounded in some kind of beastly energy that made it feel much more ominous and stronger

Klaus immediately caught the spear with his hands right before it could touch his cheeks

"Accuracy seems to be bad with this kind of strength and perception..."

Klaus muttered and looked forward to seeing who threw the spear and in about a few dozen meters Klaus noticed a brown furred beastman standing there with a grin on face

He had childish and immature presence on him just like his age, he looked to be around Klaus's age too

"Tough way to deal with guests but anyways I whole heartedly accept your welcome"

Klaus started the conversation with a slight smile on his face but just then suddenly Klaus noticed a beastman who by human standards looked to be in early 40s rushing at him with his sharp claws

"The welcome has just started!!! Human, be prepared!!!!"

The man seemed quite excited because of his hard smirk on face big enough to see his sharp fangs inside his mouth

Klaus also smirked and blocked the claw strike with one of his elbows and tossed the man coming towards him, 70 meters with his hands

But it wasn't over just yet suddenly dozens of more beastmen attacked Klaus with their weapons or just raw bodies

The smirk on Klaus's face widened and next he clashed with another younger looking beastman

Both Klaus and the beastman grabbed each other's hands, a shock wave appeared just because of the raw impact from the clash of two powerful forces

But it didn't last long as Klaus pulled him towards himself and Klaus's knee made direct impact with the young beast man's face

The grip of the beastman loosened and Klaus took the advantage of that small movement and threw the beastman towards the others who were coming towards Klaus like a herd of wolves

Klaus stopped many beastmen with that one move but suddenly one of the female beastmen suddenly jumped from the group and tried to smash a giant blunt sword at Klaus's face

Klaus blocked the giant sword with both of his palms, the vibrations from Klaus's impact traveled through the blunt sword to the female beastman who was still in air

She felt shivers but the fighting spirit doesn't seem to be getting exhausted anytime soon

Klaus and the female beastman both grinned at each other and next moment Klaus exerted little more force on his hands and the giant blunt sword shattered into pieces

This time the female beastman was sent flying because of one powerful shock wave

Klaus grinned and looked forward, the two beastmen with red and brown fur suddenly rushed at Klaus

Brown one had a curved blade in his hands coming towards Klaus from right and red one was rushing with his beast like claws from the left

As both came right by the sides of Klaus both launched their attacks at same time but at that exact moment Klaus also made a big back flip in the air

The blade and the claws passed closely from their faces and the red beast man who was first one to analyse the situation looked upwards

But what he saw was a tight fist approaching his face, Klaus had held back a lot but Klaus's fist was still cruel

The red beastman was smashed right to the ground creating a big crater and in half conscious state

The brown beastman looked towards Klaus with shock but next moment Klaus landed on ground with his hands

And Klaus made an L kick with the hands on the ground and feet in brown beastman's face

The brown beastman got crushed in a few more beastmen coming towards Klaus

But just then Klaus noticed the female beastman that came with a giant sword and the first beastman that attacked Klaus first had both recovered and coming towards him with a smirk on face

Klaus immediately created the distance and balance between him and them and first blocked the punch of man

Followed by claws aiming for Klaus's stomach of the female beastman which was dodged easily by Klaus by moving his body to sight left

Next the old looking beastman attacked Klaus with a claw of his other hand, Klaus grinned and made a curve with his right leg which landed right into the beastman's head

A line of blood started flowing from his head but he was still unmoved, Klaus grinned seeing this turned his both legs into a leg lock capturing the beastman's head and hand


With that Klaus smashed the beastman to the ground with a flip and noticed the female beastman rushing at him with her claws covering the sky on top of Klaus

Klaus immediately moved his head to the left dodging the fist that created a little crater right besides Klaus face

"Woah! Calm down a little!!!"

The female beastman on the other hand looked more excited and next moment Klaus also noticed the beast man locked on ground was also starting to grab Klaus too

Klaus immediately kicked the beastman's head, chest and guts, released the leg lock from him and stood up back to ground

But as he stood up dozens of more beast men had already jumped on him, Klaus jumped back on air and caught the hands of another female beastman from his back

And tossed her right in front him to crash others coming at him, Klaus landed on ground and immediately launched himself forward

Klaus immediately knocked out the first beastman coming at him with his fist followed by other beastmen

Most of them got one shot by Klaus's fists or legs, but still the big shots amongst them just can't be ignored

The female and old beastman who were keeping a good fight with Klaus once again attacked Klaus

"Lord!!! I'm not even your ex-boyfriend lady! Why are you so persistent over beating me?!"

Klaus's and female beastman's fists collided against each other in air creating a shock wave big enough to send the other beastmen dozens of meters back

"Hahaha! You are such a fun human!!!"

The female beastman seemed to have completely ignored Klaus's last comment but her claws seemed rushing towards Klaus's face with no mercy written on them